Skyrim forum users;
I don't have much experience in the elder scrolls games so I was wondering if I could ask some help regarding my character; build, weapons, skills etc.
I wish to make a stealth archer with conjuring and illusion.
'been looking around a bit and my eyes fell on the Bound Bow which seems like a very good choice due to the unlimited arrows, soul trap, and the conjuration skill that +'s the damage (forgot the name).
Now here's the part I have not been able to answer myself by just searching website after website.
The discussion between Bound Bow vs Daedric (I hope I spelled it correctly) and maybe even the dragon one seesm to date back since the release of Skyrim if I see how many forum posts are made about it.. however..
I was thinking of making a bound bow character (for it's damage, weigth and infinite arrows) that uses the best regular bow for certain bosses/enemies that take a lot of damage since the arrows are very rare to aquire, unless you do the little trick at the thief's guild which I don't fancy doing.
I purchased the legenadry version and intend on playing my character through the entire map and DLC's content.
'Was hoping anyone could suggest a few tips on the build and maybe even add an argument or two on the Bound bow vs any other bow.
EDIT: Fixed a few errors.