Alrighty, Jerod, all of Blackwood?
And to BGursky, you should be with Anvil. Two cities and more land, in direct contact with Imperial City, with possibility of coming into contact with Blackwood, and Bruma.
I can easily handle the Nords by myself.
I would like to have another player with the Anvil Ra Gada faction, and another with The Old Empire.
Republic of Skyrim and Kingdom of Morrowing are 1 city each, (Depending on if it is decided other settlements have popped up) and i think one person could handle Blackwood,
The Old Empire and Anvil Ra Gada are more complex factions, so they would need a bit more.
Ok so....
Anvil Ra Gada, Main Faction Leader - Faldom [ Karlirah Blackheart of Anvil, Vilamon of Kvatch(Surname up to you if you wish.)
Republic of Skyrim, Main Faction Leader - W00tz (Me) [ Fjorkvar Whitebeard
Blackwood Rebels, Main Faction Leader - Jerod Kayne [ Ri'Vassa of Bravil , Hathei Jah of Leyawiin
Kingdom of Morrowind, Main Faction Leader - forrest gump951 [ Vonden Darothril
The Old Empire, Main Faction Leader - BladeMaster07 [ Chancellor Ocato, Count Luspinian Maraennius of Chorrol, Count Malpenix Mercius of Skingrad ( I will help if needed)
This is ONLY for the main leaders.
You may have as many other characters of your faction as you want, and name them however you like.
Captains and Generals will help direct your armies, and roleplaying a soldier will add character to the army, any other characters welcome.
I will look over it immediately and figure everything out, thanks to all those who contributed and all the Roleplayers.
While I get everything ready, read up on some lore relative to your factions, and read
I think I'll be able to control all of it as long as it moves at a reasonable pace. I'm guessing you want sheets for the three leaders, as well as my general?

If you dont mind, each character will have a small entourage of followers and advisors who will not have their own sheet, just added to the bottom of their respective characters sheet.

For each city, and my Legion, shall I give a troop breakdown?
EDIT: Nevermind. I saw the revised OP.