War Stories - Settlers, Allies and Companions

Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:32 pm

Slight spoilage ahead.....

So, I picked up Warwick Homestead as a settlement, and after checking it out, decided to fill it up with citizens immediately, had it up to 26 pretty quick. Grabbed a bunch of gear, hooked up a supply line, headed there, built a facility to house 'em all complete with plenty of defense and happy stuff, and kitted 'em all out in the latest fashions, including a couple of well placed guards with sniper rifles. Bunch of HMG turrets right on the border facing south, way up high.

Now, I swam there from the Castle, so hadn't actually explored much else in the area, keep that in mind. I knew where Quincy Ruins was, but hadn't cleared it. While I was buiding, I noticed a big ol' wrecked ship a ways off, and made a mental note to go check it out later.

After finishing all of the above, I move way to the back of the area to plant some crops and set up some water purifiers, when I hear one of the turrets start to fire, followed by rifle fire. I'm like, wtf, leave build mode, and run back to the border.

By this time, I'm late to the party, because every one of them 26 settlers is heading south, and Hell is coming with 'em. You could walk on the bullets and beams, plus the sound of 12 HMGs going off in concert is kinda loud.

I run up on top of the closest tower to see just what the Sam Adams these folks are shooting at, and way off in the distance I see a Provisioner, reckon it's the fella I sent here, fighting like blazes against a whole passel of bad guys coming out of that ship I'd spotted earlier.

Now, I equip all of my Provisioners the same way, they all carry an automatic rifle, so imagine my confusion when I saw that this particular Provisioner was packing a blade! And whooping butt with it too! He was laying out some bad guys, and being kinda aggressive about it too.

While I was glomming on this amazing sight, that hail of gunfire hadn't slowed down, if anything it was more pronounced. It finally dawned on me to try and shoot somebody, so I pulled out Ta Tonka, my .50 cal. sniping piece, and tried to lock onto a bad guy.

I think I may have killed 2 guys, out of ever how many villains were on that shipwreck. Most of the time, when I could actually spot a bad guy, it was only to watch him writhe in agony as a couple of dozen chunks of lead ripped through his worthless carcass. They was dying like flies, and them settlers was the swatter.

Them newly equipped and assigned settlers, that Provisioner, and good ol' Nick, never stopped advancing, they moved en masse on the Northern Star and gave it's denizens what for; all I had to do was clean up the loots, which was considerable.

Checked that Provisioner after he finally made it inside the border, seems somewhere along his journey from Oberland Station he'd picked up a Legendary blade, reckon he decided hand to hand was more his bag.

Fun times, with them crazy settlers.

Now, y'all tell us a story.......

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Siobhan Thompson
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