Ok I don't know if this timeline is up to date. Darkom, send me the updated one, please. Or tell me where it is.
Blue: What I say
Red: What Is wrong.

PS: I'd also like to have the Imperials pulling something like the "Dirty War" in Argentina, where they capture citizens and stuff...

Here it is:
4E 1- The Oblivion crisis, along with the death of the Emperor and his sons, leaves the throne open. Zeno Suronnius, an Imperial noble and influential member of the Elder Council, is voted in by the Council, a single vote ahead of Ocato.
4E 2- Emperor Zeno Suronnius first order of business is to put down several rebellions within the country that had started as a result of the Oblivion Crisis (still working on) and later enacts a set of radical new laws, which take almost all power from the Elder Council and city officials, giving him supreme command of Cyrodiil. He makes an official alliance with the Dark Elves of Morrowind and their new leader, Imperial Nerevarine Baenius, whom he had helped put into power in the first place. The slave trade gains more support in Morrowind, many laws restricting its practice removed by the new leader.
Much of House Indoril commited ritual suicide after the deaths of the Tribunal, but enough survived to form a formidable fighting force.
In more local news, a large caravan of elven immigrants were brutally killed by a band of roving mercenaries, much to the shock and horror of the nearby citizens of Anvil and northern Valenwood. Multiple rumors were spread about the nature of the mercenaries, including one that stated it came from high political authority trying to stop the Bosmer from entering the country.
4E 4- Emperor Zeno Suronnius creates an elite branch of the Imperial Guard, the Dragon's Claw, which he uses as bodyguards and representatives in other cities and countries.
Skyrim's economy is on the verge of collapse, with a severe increase in crime rates and poverty due to the recent Daedra attacks and deepening separation of city states. Hrothgar and Whiterun have broken away, and are under control of Jsashe, self proclaimed priestess of Lorkhan. Skyrim officials in Solitude ask for the Empire's assistance in this matter, and in short order the Dragon's Claw kills the upstart witch and gives control back to the Nords. As a sign of gratitude, the city state has formed an alliance with Cyrodiil, strengthening trade and culture between the two countries. Solitude was declared as capital of Skyrim, ruled over by the Nordic Council, who quickly coerced many of the other city states under a united rule. The only state not under the new Nordic Federation is the rival area of Winterhold, who maintain resistance despite heavy threats.
The native tribes of the Black Marsh, under increased threat of slavery, have begun guerilla raids on bordering towns and Dunmer slaving parties.
The High Rock state of Wayrest has united much of the country under one flag, starting with a powerful agreement with their rivals in Daggerfall. From there the two states either bribed or forced the other three into submission, including a minor conflict with the orcs of Orsinium. Some rebel groups still defy their rule, but are of little threat to the country. Lord Woodborne has become King of Wayrest after the death of Eadwyre, and has used his political connections with the orcs and others to ease the transition of High Rock into a united country.
Likewise, Sentinel has done much the same to the cities of Hammerfell, forming a united country of powerful warriors and rich merchants. King Lhotun has made many positive agreements with his brother in law, King Gothryd.
Valenwood, the tribal leaders under pressure from the population for more military support and centralized government, have convened in a Tribal Council. After much deliberation, they have decided to unite the tribes under their rule, forming a strong country financially and militarily.
4E 5- Morrowind has declared open war on Argonian tribal leaders, sending several armies out to combat the growing Argonian threat. In response, the Argonians have rallied behind a new leader, who promised to unite all the tribes. He has also sent diplomats to Elsweyr, trying to appeal to the Khajiit's shared problem of Dunmer slaving.
The Emperor has freely given many supplies and gold to the Nerevarine, but has not yet given any troops to the effort. Meanwhile, in Cyrodiil, Emperor Zeno Suronnius has removed all non-human members from any government functions, from Elder Council members to the lowest secretaries.
Ocato has fled to the Summerset Isles, where he put his skills to use rising through the political ranks until he became Count of Alinor, capital of the Isles. From there he used his influences to negotiate an alliance with Valenwood, improving relations with the Bosmer dramatically.
The Nordic Federation of Solitude has sent several large armies out to lay siege to Winterhold, with help from several Dragon's Claw leaders and the local Tongues.
4E 6- The Dunmer-Argonian war, as it is now called, is still raging on, with neither side gaining considerable advantage. The still weakened Nordic Federation has made an alliance with Morrowind on the grounds that Skyrim give up the recently conquered Winterhold. Skyrim agrees, on the grounds that half of Winterhold's taxes go to Solitude. House Redoran is outraged at the agreement, and has begun a fresh campaign against the Nords, much to the Nerevarine's displeasure.
High Rock and Hammerfell, threatened by the growing alliances, have formed together, with tensions running high on the Eastern border with Skyrim and Cyrodiil. King Lhotun and Gothryd have grown to be great friends, and their alliance is all the stronger because of it.
The Western Elven Alliance has grown in strength, military production at an all time high. Their relations with the High Rock/Hammerfell alliance are good, with increased trade strengthening both sides.
4E 8- Elsweyr, after several skirmishes with Dunmer raiding parties, have agreed to an alliance with the now united country of Argonia. Elsweyr has committed troops and supplies to Argonia's war effort as a part of their agreement.
Skyrim has declared war on the Southern State of Tamriel (Elsweyr and Argonia), in exchange for greater control of Winterhold from the Dunmer. Life has started to improve in Skyrim, and the local population could not be happier.
House Redoran has been wiped out by an army of Dragon's Claw and Ordinators, ending the Great House in a bloody slaughter.
The Emperor has enacted a radical new set of laws, which he termed "The Great Acts of Eugenics". These would segregate all public buildings, with beast races, Altmer, and Bosmer in considerably worse situations than the humans or Dunmer. Imperial land owners receive large tax breaks, and a general elitist racism has fallen over the land. The Western Elven Alliance has spoken out against such a policy, but the Emperor has yet to change any of it. Slavery has also begun in Leyawiin and Cheydinhal, with the majority of servants traded from Morrowind, the original beast folk there still free, if in a considerably poor state. Mass emigrations of the "impure" races are occurring all over Cyrodiil, after a large instance of the Dragon's Claw men [censored] and murdering "impure" peoples. Even after great social and political unrest, the Emperor has refused to fire the men responsible.
4E 9- "The Great Acts of Eugenics" continue to cause controversy, and a new group of radical revolutionaries have sprung up within the Empire. This group calls themselves the Freedom Fighters, and is mostly made up of oppressed Argonians, Khajiits, and Bosmer, with a few other races who don't agree with the Emperor's new laws thrown in. They are rumored to be led by an ex-Elder Council member, and although their moves so far have been minor, they may prove a formidable problem for the Empire.
Meanwhile, the Emperor is cracking down even harder on the "impure", and reports of Dragon Claw incidents have increased steadily. Slavery has continued to spread throughout Tamriel, Chorrol the only city not under its effects.
The Nordic Federation of Solitude has sent several units of reinforcements to the war effort in Argonia, but the hostile terrain is proving more troublesome than expected to the Dunmer and Nords trying to invade. The Argonian's guerilla tactics, combined with new technology from Elsweyr, has made for a formidable fighting force.
The Western Elven Alliance has become a center for free thought and invention, the floating cities of Valenwood and beautiful homes of the Altmer a utopia for scientists, philosophers, and mages. In fact, reports of a groundbreaking new invention have spread throughout the land: magic powered flying balloons. These balloons can float over battlefields, raining magic and more terrestrial ammunition down on the enemy. The plans are top secret, but Imperial spies are doing everything they can to gain the technology.
The Nords would NEVER send troop support to the Dunmer, even if they are with the Empire. Maybe, JUST MAYBE money, but not troops.
The Altmer have SunBirds, flying magical powered ships. Dump the balloons. They already have flying ships. The Argonians would be kicking tail and keeping their border secure. Morrowind is in rebellion and crap and they couldn't afford to invade Argonia. Change that.
Now below that section. Don't put old ansei as trainers. The Ra Gada have superior troops to many, along with Lutemonsters, actual trained Ansei, and Cannons. Change all of that, and we are good to go.Now, a basic overview of factions and their weapons. BY THE WAY DREN: Steel didn't come along until the 15th century, and it was virtually bullet proof. So it is rare (credit from Immortal blood).
Seige weapons are available to all.
Orsinium: Orcs (great fighters), Orchish Armor, Large Trolls, Ogres, Goblins, and foul beast...
Weak archers and cavalry are usually bretic mercs.
Bretons: Great Archers and Cavalry, weak infantry, some Mages (Based on the French and English)
Ra Gada: Lutemonsters (image will be provided later), Cannons, Ansei (Few), Superior Infantry, Cavalry, archers (slighly weaker).
Dunmer: They are just Dunmer, moderate at all skills, have some mages, bonemould armor. Moderate in all degrees.
Nords: Superior Infantry (Nordic Steel), weak cavalry (especially light), Tongues (VERY FEW. WE ARE TALKIN 10-15), Weak archers.
Elves: Sunbirds (Flying magical ships), Trolls, Goblins, Ogres, Average swordsmen, slightly weak infantry and cavalry and archery when it comes to Altmer.
Khajiit: Moderate at Combat in all fields, do not ride horses. There are large Kajiit (Mixed unit tactics, read it) that carry large shields on their back. They are often used as mounts.
Imperials: Battle mages, the Legion (which are pretty good overall), the dragon's claw (More of an internal thingy. Few)