The newest timeline, hopefully the one to be used for the OP, is done. It starts in the year 4E 4, and a summary of each faction's current problems are listed at the end. The only country that doesn't have anything to do immediately is the Summerset Isles, but they'll heat up shortly

EDIT: I also finished the OP

I'll put it up top, like it will appear in the RP thread. But remember, that does not mean we are ready to start just yet. Please wait until tomorrow, so we can all take stock of everything. Thanks.
The Daedra rampaged through much of Tamriel, leaving a swath of destruction and death in what is now being called "The Oblivion Crisis". The Crisis left Cyrodiil without an Emperor, and many of the other countries have felt its effects as well. The political atmosphere is becoming more and more heated, as many nations are torn asunder, while others form bonds stronger than ever. The Elder Council, their country threatened by rebel groups to the south and what remained of the Daedric army to the north, convened in great meeting, its sole purpose to decide who amongst them would become the next Emperor of Cyrodiil.
After much deliberation, the council finally decided on one charming and experienced man, an Imperial by the name of Zeno Suronnius. His dashing smile and encouraging words gave the people hope, but more than that his actions have revived a dying country. After the heartbreaking and mysterious disappearance of the Champion, the citizens of Cyrodiil have finally found someone they can rally behind.
Meanwhile, the other nations of Tamriel watch with wary eyes at this new ruler, many voiding what were once strong alliances. But while the people of Cyrodiil rejoice in the streets, many other countries find themselves once again split into multiple independent city states, some eager at the chance of war. Others, such as the great province of Morrowind, are also dealing with new leaders, the Nerevarine who slaughtered the gods putting himself toe to toe with King Helseth.
Now it is up to the great and powerful, will they peacefully form their lands back into a shining utopia, or will they gather their forces, and prepare for an all out war? Tensions are running high, and the slightest uproar could send all of Tamriel tumbling back into the dark depths of Oblivion. Will you navigate your forces to victory, or fall prey to your foe's growing conquest? The fate of the world rests within blood and quill?
4E 1- The Oblivion crisis, along with the death of the Emperor and his sons, leaves the throne open. Zeno Suronnius, an Imperial noble and influential member of the Elder Council, is voted in by the Council, a single vote ahead of Ocato.
After the end of the Septim line, many of the Empire's treaties and agreements either became void or the countries stopped heeding them. Notably, the Elves and Beast countries broke free from Imperial control in the chaos following the Daedra attacks. High Rock and Hammerfell are still more or less with the Empire, but they are not sure if they can trust the new Emperor. Skyrim is fairly neutral, announcing that they are breaking the alliance between the two countries, though they might reform it if the new Emperor seems trustworthy.
The Daedra attacks have also more or less stranded many of the city states that make up the countries of Tamriel, notably those of Skyrim and High Rock. Most of the leaders are eager to regain contact with their former allies, but some have taken the opportunity to rebel against their country's rule. Such cities as Winterhold, Daggerfall, and Ald'Ruhn.
4E 2- Emperor Zeno Suronnius' first order of business is to put down several rebellions within the country that had started as a result of the Oblivion Crisis and later enacts a set of radical new laws, which take almost all power from the Elder Council and city officials, giving him supreme command of Cyrodiil. He makes an official alliance with the government of Morrowind and their new leader, Imperial Nerevarine Baenius, whom he had helped put into power in the first place. The Dunmer of Morrowind are not pleased with their new human leader, but the Nerevarine has made a deal with King Helseth after killing the entire tribunal. They now co-rule the country, with the Great Houses still taking up much of the interior business. The slave trade gains more support in Morrowind, many laws restricting its practice removed by the new leadership.
Much of House Indoril commited ritual suicide after the deaths of the Tribunal, and the few survivors hold little real power anymore.
In more local news, a large caravan of elven immigrants were brutally killed by a band of roving mercenaries, much to the shock and horror of the nearby citizens of Anvil and northern Valenwood. Multiple rumors were spread about the nature of the mercenaries, including one that stated it came from high political authority trying to stop the Bosmer from entering the country.
4E 4- Emperor Zeno Suronnius creates an elite branch of the Imperial Guard, the Dragon's Claw, which he uses as bodyguards and representatives in other cities and countries.
Skyrim's economy is on the verge of collapse, with a severe increase in crime rates and poverty due to the recent Daedra attacks and deepening feelings of independence within the city states. Hrothgar and Whiterun have completely broken away, and are under control of Jsashe, self proclaimed priestess of Lorkhan.
The native tribes of the Black Marsh, under increased threat of slavery, have begun guerilla raids on bordering towns and Dunmer slaving parties.
High Rock is more divided than ever, Wayrest, Daggerfall, and Orsinium declaring their own sovereign countries. The other city states are more or less in a loose confederation, but most of the country's military power lies in those three cities.
Hammerfell, on the other hand, has grown even more loyal to King Lhotun, their powerful Ra Gada warriors benefitting as mercenaries from the nearby wars.
The leader of Valenwood was found dead one morning, the assassin responsible still on the run from the authorities. The country's single mindedness that the leader controlled has devolved into chaos, the various tribes entering skirmishes for land and resources. The tribal leaders have sent word of a tribal council, which shall convene shortly, perhaps to elect a new leader.
The new Mane of Elsweyr was crowned, the old ruler retiring for a life of luxury in the southern coast. The new Mane has made many promises for a greater standard of living and more political power for the country by an increased military. He has also pushed technological research, trying to keep up with the advanced government of Cyrodiil and the technology of the elves.