That still leaves both beast races and Skyrim. If your character isn't in a position of power, consider taking one of those factions, people.
And just to let you know, I have two characters:
The Nerevarine
Gaius Julius, commander of the Dragon's Claw
So I'll be in pretty much full command of Morrowind, and then the elite branch of the Imperial army. Josh can take the rest of the Imperial army, and then we just need to fill a few spots.
Oh, and on the cross characters thing, so long as all your characters are in the same alliance it should be fine. Like I have an Imperial and a Morrowind character. But don't, for example, make a House Telvanni and a House Dres character, as they will be in conflict. Just don't put yourself on both sides of a likely battle, please

EDIT: That has been covered in the sign up thread, but just to clarify: either me, Wooly, or Dren, and you might want to go ahead and send it to Josh as well. Thanks.