by quorn, based on the work of Bethesda Softworks
The Ward of Akavir was lost when Firemoth Fort was overrun by an army of undead. Head an expedition to Firemoth Fort to retrieve the lost relic for the Empire. Ask around about "latest rumors" for details.
Based on the official plug-in "Siege at Firemoth", this is an updated version of the Firemoth expedition. Deactivate the original Siege at Firemoth plug-in when using this version.
Updates include cleaning dirty references left in the original Siege at Firemoth plug-in, improved follower support (better equipment, better following, better survivability), improved terrain texture mapping (no more visible seams), and a few surprises in store for players. Overall difficulty has increased, but not overwhelming to prepared players.
Since I shelved the interior version due to glitches and performance, I've ported the changes to the exterior version and improved on it from there. I've cleaned up the exterior cells of texture seams and jagged terrain, and made many changes to the followers and foes encountered. I've also cleaned up the dirty references left in the original plug-in.
This is basically finished, but I would like feedback before I officially release this (so I can prevent frequent updates
