» Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:24 am
They have no PC experience, and I am fully aware, that they have their specilization on consoles (loved Timesplitters), but letting UK taking over the developement of the Crysis 2 Multiplayer was a huge mistake in my eyes. They abandoned the PC Version with the three actual patches we got from them, called it a day and were proud of breaking a game that was ok before the patches (Yes, lags, freezes etc. weren't there before Patch xy).
Frankfurt knows best, what Crysis should be like, they are doing the Singleplayer, so they know how the gameplay should be in harmony with the players. Also: They have PC Focus, until now, there hasn't been any Console version sighted, and the trailer is from the PC Version as well (explains the Full HD Quality).
Long talk, short story: I hope Crytek manages not to let UK take over the MP, UK are busy with Homefront 2, and it should stay like that. Longterm studio-management over thousends of kilometers can't get well along with the community support, which we see state-of-the-art like with Crysis 2.
About the Warface things.
You know, that what Warface has, Crysis 1 had all along? Well, Warface is PC-Exclusive, and f2p, which explains many things.
BUT! One thing I don't agree and never WILL agree: CoD-Styled Armory. Means: 20 Assault Rifles, 10 SMGs, 12 Pistols, 4 Shotguns and 5 Rocket launchers. I HATE that. A weapon is a weapon, I don't like it when there are dozens of weapons which actually don't play any different from another.
Also, the possibility of a weapon beeing overpowered then rises into a ridicoulus level, and could be a huge fun killer. One or two Assault Rifles are enough, at least automatic ones. A Burst Rifle, one auto, one pump action shotgun, one normal, one static smg etc.
A more Halo-Styled weaponary would be a thousend times better.