I know this is a little late but since I didn't see anyone post it, check out GW new http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=16100001a.

Ah see, now I know what we were doing wrong all those late nights....
We were taking the little cube thingies and throwing them at each other during the attack phase, noting where they would hit the other player, and jotting down the hit loctions. Then gauging the strength of the hit by how many welts the other player had on his face and body or simply by how much whining they did afterwards.
But the GW way works as well I s'pose, just not as fun.
John Blanche once remarked at a Games day that the Emporor's name "Was Probably http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Livingstone#Games_Workshop, but don't quote me on it."
Well tough, I have and I did