Then again, the DE need some loving. However, GW REALLY needs to stop giving the empire so much loving, especially with the spess mehrines. The necrons could use some diversifying too.
True, they did need an upgrade. And the new DE models look amazingly Badass. I'm pretty sure that necron's will probably get a new codex soon (Maybe by the end of the year if we are lucky), because I think they are the only army right now running on a dated codex now that DE got upgraded. Still, The DE's new Codex is now almost perfectly suited to killing Nids, which does not make me happy :dry:
When you say "unify humanity" you mean join him or else, correct? Just like how the Tau say join the "Greater Good" or else. Because anyone who didn't want to join the Emperor were destroyed and slaughtered. Even those civilization that were cut off, wanted automitiy, they were not agaisnt the Emperor but didn't want to subject themselves to him and they were still slaughtered because they wouldn't join him.
In all actuallity, The Emperor of Manking is worse than Hitler, Stalin, Attilia the Hun, Bush, Osama Bin Ladin, Saddam Hussien, all rolled into one. He is not a very nice person. If you don't even greet him properly, you are killed. Come on, being killed just because you didn't great him properly? I wouldn't really say he was the saviour of mankind at all.

You like Horus then. He preferred diplomacy even learning local customs to persuade over people into joining the emperium before bloodshed. But then he would of course lead you into the oblivion, having the ruinous powers gnaw on your soul for all eternity in that lovely little event called Horus Heresy.
Horus is starting to look like a Saint compered to the Emperor.

Yet, Sanguinus was so much cooler than all of them...
Horus was an alright dude before he turned to Chaos, The Emperor was smart, but a jerk at times, and half the primach's were really Whiny (Nobody like you, Primarch Gulliman, just like no one likes the Ultramarines...) and the other half were really cool (Like Konrade Kurze, AKA BATMAN IN SPAAAAACE!!!)