On the animation though, and even their appearance in most video games. It makes you wonder why GW don't just look at the many, many shooters out there, that have blatantly ripped-off the Space Marine design, and said, "You know we should have our Space Marines appear in something like this!" Say what you like about Gears, Fenix feels like he weighs a ton and bounding around in that tank outfit is a slog for him. Turn to Warhammer 40K games and you get Firewarrior. How on earth does an FPS in the 40K setting manage to svck so very bad? lol Frack up after epic frack up. Dawn of War was the first good thing to be done with the setting, and it was just like playing Ground Control with Warhammer makeup. Should be a signal to GW. Take a good game, decorate it with the 40K setting, and BAM, you have a good 40K game.
If I was at GW I'd be banging on doors like The Creative Assembly with a wad of cash and a few hokers for incentive. I'd be coaxing devs from good studios waving my awesome setting around and shouting 'check it out, everything EPIC and id have tried to do can be done ten times better with this lore! Check it out, there are catalogues of the stuff. Designs going back decades. Weapons, vehicles, worlds, civilisations, aliens... systems of government, ideologies, look at it! Will you! It was ready-MADE for video games! Let's do it!'
Imagine a strategy game set pre-Heresy (i.e. when there were armies with loads and loads of SM's) with the following levels of play: interstellar, solar (these two would probably be more of a campaign selector*

, to avoid extreme complexity), strategic (Risk style map, most likely), RTS, and first person. The last having the potential to make a very significant impact if used correctly: having someone who who superhuman
compared to superhumans dropping out of the sky and kicking heads would scare the [censored] out of a lot of people, and could significantly change the outcome of a battle (but would take you away from wherever else you have people fighting, though you could check on things and issue some orders from the field... at the risk of getting shot).
*Could make it that each primarch has one solar system they're conquering during the time the game is set, and you can switch between them at any time. That'd be a cool way to do it :nod:.
Other factions could also fit into the same framework. But the chances of anything like this being produced is low. The chances of it being produce, AND being good require numbers with powers

Uh.... no.
Brainwashing, forced sterilization camps, and [censored]-ass melee to boot is not "the right idea."
Bastards have it easy, too. Don't need to worry about Daemons as much. Humans do, on the other hand. Their theocracy and blind faith literally protects them from the major influences of Chaos, which is always trying to get in.
Those are unconfirmed (aside from not liking to get up close), and even if they're true, its still a lot better than the Imperium. There are many documented cases of the Tau allowing surrender (I believe they actually prefer it) and allowing (human?) worlds some autonomy. The Imperium, on the other hand, is xenophobic and does its best to wipe out anything it deems alien. Its soldiers have, however, been known to form temporary alliances with other species to deal with worse threats (daemons are generally less polite than Eldar).
EDIT2: Additionally, the Imperium has been known to exterminate worlds for tax errors
