no no no no, not the ork gods, whose names are constantly shifting between either gork being gork then to mork, and mork being mork then to gork, and so on. No, I'm referring to telling the orks that the name of the emprah is Chuck. If enough orks believe the emprah's name is Chuck, it'll become Chuck only because they believe it's Chuck. Heck, ork verticals and weapons are often nothing but a bunch of scrap nailed together, but because they think it'll work, it somehow works! They even can make tanks run when there is no fuel, or to make something go faster, they paint the thing red, because that's what they believe what red does.
Dat's Cos da red onez go fasta! And Yellow rokkitz are boomier!
But I think the emperor of mankind's name is simply the emperor. Most of the power really isn't even his anymore, he is really just there to work the astronomican since he is, for all itents and purposes, dead.
Speaking of which, in the lore section of the rulebook, it says that the golden throne is having mechanical faliures that even the Adeptus Mechanius cannot fix, so the empoeror will soon be 100% dead maybe. Thought that was an interesting tidbit right there.
Anyways, if we are going to use this as a discussion topic, what army do you guys favor the most? I like Tyranids, even though they have awful tank-busting capabilities except for the miracle of the hive guard (No LoS needed strength 8 gun for 50 points? Yes Please!) The Tyranid lore is great and they are very fun to paint, and they are fun to play on the battlefield. I have considered working on an eldar army once I get my Tyranids up to snuff, but that will probably be a while from now.