Warhammers - anyone have interesting builds?

Post » Thu May 15, 2014 2:55 pm

I just found out about the bug at the atronach forge where it only gives enchanted warhammers and got to thinking if there are any fun, viable, WARHAMMER only 2hnd builds folks have played.

Lots if greats word we idling builds but I haven't seen focused on the warhammer.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 5:47 pm

Use of a warhammer seems to go along with heavy armor, health and stamina. I know it won't block arrows and magic but you can use the warhammer as a shield and block with it and gain from the block perks.

But interestion realization that there doesn't seem to be any builds centered around the hammer. Maybe because its so slow and heavy.

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Yvonne Gruening
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