» Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:54 am
Well I am both a fan and a disapointed consumer over Crytek and Crysis 2 - Crysis 1 was the BOMB!, hands down it rocked. Crysis Warhead came out and it was the answer to the void Crytek left the enthusiast market in wanting more. So we got Crysis Warhead - damn fine game, I LOVE the old style game play with the configurable options - but it was a PC game, it was built for PC gaming, and consoles were not even a drip running down Crytek's leg yet so it was as good as any FPS gets IMO. Then with such success, Crytek drops this Crysis 2 on us, yeah all the reason if you do not know Crysis Warhead to go get it and play it. Visually it is far ahead of Crysis 2 IMO, game play and configurability hands down kills Crysis 2. Crysis 2 was good for what it was, it was NOT Crysis 1 nor was it the caliber of Crysis Warhead, it was not built like or resembled those games.
The way I look at it is like what Ford did to the Mustang. They came out with a muscle car that rocked (PC game) when it was introduced, the next generation was even better (PC game again w/more engine power and options), then they started making them more like the economy/family cars (Oh lets focus on the larger Console group) and totally hosed what the Mustang stood for - Well there you have Crysis, Crysis Warhead - then the econo family car Crysis 2 makes its debut.
I ended up having to buy a second copy of Warhead because I wipe/reload my OS all the time and it had some damn CSS crap that only allowed X amount of activations, no way to deauthorize the machine before I wiped/reloaded, so I was not able to play it. I bought a new one, did it for a while and hit my max allowed installs again - so yeah, I went and got the crack for it because I was sick of the CSS crap when I legitimately purchased it and only installed it on one machine ever - many times, but same hardware. The campaign I have played several dozen times all the way through and love it - the big daddy at the end was fun to kill, actually I loved the air strip from start to finish, best part of that game IMO aside from the train ride. I would like to play WARS but I think without a "legit" key I suppose that is out of the question?