» Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:46 am
Seriously the cry-team doesn't want to do his work , as it appear .
Is that not possible to have the cvar about draw distance locked at one minimum value ( so we can't erase stuff ) and modifiable at the other side so we can get rid of the things who pop in lately? Or lock everything and make a proper advanced option menu with sliders to adjust?
LIke i said in this thread ( http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=16455 ) , It is without cvar that I cheat , because i can kill people behind their cover since it hasn't appear . I see someone , start aiming down my scope , and OH! they are in fact hidden behind something !
If crytek wasn't a bunch of people who doesn't know how to code , we could improve the game visual settings while not being able to cheat . IT is the first mp game i play with all the stuff locked and with so many cheating online : learn how to code seriously .
Since the launch of the game i defended crytek by explaining to the people I know the change in gameplay from crysis 1 , while waiting some patch for the things who were overlooked.
And now that we can't sort some stuff by ourselves since crytek isn't fixing it , I 'm not defending them anymore , the patches we got are amateurish at best.