WARNING! Patch 1.4 disables MOST Cvars even shadowjittering?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:19 am

Why? Whyyyyy? My autoexec.cfg is everything i have against this useless graphics-menue....and now it's disabled?

I won't update my game, I want to individually tweak my graphics! Well, no more MP for me until they allow us with the next patch to use the autoexec again. Until then I will cling to the (unpatched) SP with my lovely little tweaks.....
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:04 am

if anything Crytek needs to get an integrity check for the **** .pak files - THATS WHERE THE HACKING IS DONE noobs... CVARs have very little to do with it when they ARE **** DISABLED
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:53 pm

they also disabled AMD 3d output via autoexec.... I'm not too happy about that..... Just as I really started to enjoy this game they disabled 3d from AMD hardware! WTF Crytek?!?

r_postmsaa works via console, but when disabled it also turns off the rain effect (noticed in Seat of Power). Geez, this is a real bummer.

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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:54 am

Hi guys,

A lot of CVars were disabled to prevent cheating but as many of you are aware we have literally thousands of CVars so we add the most crucial ones to a whitelist where they can be used.

If you feel there are CVars that should be available that can't be related to cheating (things like draw distances tweaks can give people the ability to hide objects and see players who would normally remain unseen, similar case for clear as day nanovision whilst others remain unclear) then please list them in this thread (or attach a txt file) and we can look into adding them to the available list.

These CVars are disabled to give everyone a fair playing ground. At the same time, we want to give you guys the ability to tweak and customise the game to suit your wishes.

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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:38 am

Would not be possible to simply separate the single player client from multiplayer, as in Call of Duty?
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phil walsh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:32 am

I'd like to see ALL cvars unlocked for SP. I understand the whole MP aspect for sure, but why lock it in SP too?? I loved flying around the original Crysis levels and blowing up everything with the LAW.

Here are my suggestions for unlocked MP cvars:

LOD cvars
*really, anything dealing with graphic quality
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:46 am

Seriously the cry-team doesn't want to do his work , as it appear .
Is that not possible to have the cvar about draw distance locked at one minimum value ( so we can't erase stuff ) and modifiable at the other side so we can get rid of the things who pop in lately? Or lock everything and make a proper advanced option menu with sliders to adjust?
LIke i said in this thread ( http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=16455 ) , It is without cvar that I cheat , because i can kill people behind their cover since it hasn't appear . I see someone , start aiming down my scope , and OH! they are in fact hidden behind something !
If crytek wasn't a bunch of people who doesn't know how to code , we could improve the game visual settings while not being able to cheat . IT is the first mp game i play with all the stuff locked and with so many cheating online : learn how to code seriously .
Since the launch of the game i defended crytek by explaining to the people I know the change in gameplay from crysis 1 , while waiting some patch for the things who were overlooked.
And now that we can't sort some stuff by ourselves since crytek isn't fixing it , I 'm not defending them anymore , the patches we got are amateurish at best.
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kat no x
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:48 am

Cant please everyone. Like i said i knew why they locked down some cvars. but i was made a laughing stock when i wrote it... Guys they will have the advanced options soon as Dx11 comes I'm sure. and also we are going to get a crysis 2 editor (AKA Sandbox 3). chill out the game runs smooth! But is there a 3rd party program so i can set graphics to what i want for multiplayer? the one i know of is for only single player!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:26 am

You can still edit visual details to make Multiplayer games to your advantage. That's probably WHY
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:10 am

Wait what the ****?

This is stupid. Just plain **** stupid. Why on _EARTH_ would they go through all the trouble of locking the cvars, especially if it just makes the game worse and makes people angry?!
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danni Marchant
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:08 am

Hi, I'd like the hud_hide command brought back. Also, the ability to bind commands would be welcome, too.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:29 am

Simple question - why can't you lock the offending Cvars in MP and unlock ALL Cvars in SP?
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:42 am

Would not be possible to simply separate the single player client from multiplayer, as in Call of Duty?
This game already plays like COD, might as well have it set up like COD too. I havent tried playing C2 with the 1.4 patch yet, i closed it after going into my graphics options and not having any more settings than before. I didnt buy crysis to play just another crappy fps COD clone. Untill this game looks like what crysis is supposed to look like, im just going to let it sit there and collect dust.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:36 pm

why can 't they lock values within a range ? so we can tweak without cheating?
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:59 pm

1- Maybe it was a mistake

2- How do you know it's MOST CVARs?

Personally, I don't really care. As long as my game runs nice and I can change the fov, and there's no graphical yuckies, I'm happy.

That is all. pencs.

I checked console... lots of unknown commands showing.

I see. I did notice some people **** their game up with funky commands and ended up uninstalling/reinstalling/crying/complaining....maybe that's why Crytek did this...But again, I don't really care. The essential commands, at least for me, are there, and we are going to get modders sooner or later.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:20 am

One reason I hated MW2 was it was so limited in what you could tweak because the devs wanted to force everyone to play the same game settings wise like the consoles.

My list of removed cvars that no longer work.
[Warning] Unknown command: con_restricted
[Warning] Unknown command: log_IncludeTime
[Warning] Unknown command: log_verbosity
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_budget_videomem
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_budget_sysmem
[Warning] Unknown command: g_enableInitialLoginScreen

It was a bad move removing them all before asking what players used first. Now Crytek has (in this post) and we have to wait for another patch to restore some of them.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:28 am

Can we still remove the mouse smoothing and tweak the fov through the cvars ?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:11 am

This ...Simple question - why can't you lock the offending Cvars in MP and unlock ALL Cvars in SP?
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:59 am

they are boring to lock Cvar, and most boring, they lock Cvar in SP.

this is totaly idiotic, since thats not really prevent cheater to cheat.

They at least should unlock the SP and lock in MP. they really should SEPARATE SP from MP..... Because if we cant use Cvar like that when the Crysis2 editor come out, it will be a total broken Modding tool.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:59 pm

Hi guys,

A lot of CVars were disabled to prevent cheating but as many of you are aware we have literally thousands of CVars so we add the most crucial ones to a whitelist where they can be used.

If you feel there are CVars that should be available that can't be related to cheating (things like draw distances tweaks can give people the ability to hide objects and see players who would normally remain unseen, similar case for clear as day nanovision whilst others remain unclear) then please list them in this thread (or attach a txt file) and we can look into adding them to the available list.

These CVars are disabled to give everyone a fair playing ground. At the same time, we want to give you guys the ability to tweak and customise the game to suit your wishes.


That makes no sense.

Do usign drawdistance is going to make a difference in multiplayer? It wont. It just makes it so that garbage can doesnt appear out of nowhere as you approach it. No matter how far someone is on your screen, and no matter your drawdistance, you can always see the enemy player when you are supposed to. So no, draw/view distance should be tweakable and based on your computer specs.

Sure the nano vision stuff is obviously something that needs to be fixed. But eliminating shadow/texture/object pop in is something that should be allowed. Theres really no downside.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:42 am

That makes no sense.

Do usign drawdistance is going to make a difference in multiplayer? It wont. It just makes it so that garbage can doesnt appear out of nowhere as you approach it. No matter how far someone is on your screen, and no matter your drawdistance, you can always see the enemy player when you are supposed to. So no, draw/view distance should be tweakable and based on your computer specs.

Sure the nano vision stuff is obviously something that needs to be fixed. But eliminating shadow/texture/object pop in is something that should be allowed. Theres really no downside.
And when a player is hiding behind a wall/object and that wall/object is not being drawn on your screen because you have low draw distances set and can now see the player?

It's just one example, mind you.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:55 pm

That makes no sense.
It's just one example, mind you.
Can we disable blur and AA and the like in MP, i get sore eyes with the candy on.
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Heather Kush
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:47 am

Yes, those commands work. If the commands are viewable from console then they should work.

Some of the commands i've tested in MP are:
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:47 am

Yes, those commands work. If the commands
Thanks, so the advanced graphics program should work in MP too, some folks said it only worked in the campaign, good job!
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:05 pm

Been messing around with my autoexec.cfg file for over two weeks, fixing shadow bugs/making better shadows/better view distance, no sprites - no culling - no defferd - ( render as is) any distance, also fixed multigpu flickering atleast on my setup had 2-3 graphic bugs left but was closeing on em too. idea was to put it up on this forum for people with high end rigs, but since 90% o it doesnt work anymore there is no point.

My config "for godness sake" i had 94-95% load on both my gfx cards (2x Nvidia580 GTX with the aid of a slight oc intel 980x) and stuff started to look awesome!!!
extreme has 60% load on both my gfx cards n looks all fussy n what not.

Is there a way to revert to 1.2??? I dont play MP anyhow so it doesnt matter, i just want my config n cvars back:P
If not ill try to go thru my list again n add wanted ones here...

Haveing said that i understand trying to get mp hacking sorted n so on, but come on^^
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