Heavy armor is more badass.
Heavy armor is more badass.
You can reach the armor cap with either (without even using a shield) and the perks in the light armor tree appeal more to me. When I started, I used heavy but once I learned how AC works in the game, I switched to light. Currently using gilded elven (which doesn't look very good) but keeping an eye out for something better.
i'm a heavy user, i just like the look of the heavy armors so much more. Granted i tend to mix stealth archery on every character i make so even my heavy armored juggernaut is getting in sniper shots.
I wear a heavy and love playing as a heavy paladin (they are heavy armored to me not light)
Agreed, and IRL, Templars wore chainmail hauberks, which would be considered light armor in the game.
I voted for light armor; I like both types greatly, and always went for the extra protection of heavy, since I prefer to be in the thick of the melee. But I tried out light a few saves ago and found it to be just as good for my fighting style, and with much less weight and neat perks to boot.
I might level up Heavy, just to play with Banded Iron again.
My shield is always heavy (steel), but I am after the Dawnguard rune shield to see how I like that.
I like being lightly armored, but the games does not have to much light armor in the game, and those it does have does not appeal to me.
Glass, Elven, Leather, etc... not cool. Fur is okay. But most light armor is uncraftable special armor. I like Stormcloak armor, and Nightingale armor, etc, but there's no good armor for later game.
More chainmail, more light aarmor, etc.
I voted light armour. Although, I have to admit my heavy armour Nord was understandably a lot tougher than my light armour Khajiit in combat.
Light all the way. I've never liked playing as a Heavy Armor Character.
How about heavily armored...but as fast as a Spartan II? Didn't think about that one did ya?
I've always liked the idea of using light armor more. With light armor you get protection, but you also get to train your speed, and agility. So its like you're not as crippled as a Heavy Armor specializer if you're caught with your pants down, so to speak.
I prefer heavy armored, sword+shield warriors. Aside from the higher base armor rating of heavy armor, most of my favorite looking armor sets are heavy armor (ex. Daedric, Dwarven).
Just recently started a Nord Heavy Armor warrior and am liking him very much. Imperial Heavy and normal steel look a heck of a lot better than I thought they would. My first character was light and stealthy. This one is exactly opposite, heavy and bloodthirsty. A new style of combat for me and I'm enjoying it.
This was pretty much how I felt when I made my heavy armour Nord battlemage as well. I usually play as a stealthy archer type, but that character was a lot of fun. He did get rather OP'ed after level 45 or so though.
Same here with my Stealth Archer. No battlemage for me though. He will be a non spell-user and non enchanter. Straight up sword/axe and board until I can segue into two-hand axe and make my transition complete. I'm going to be venturing WAY out of my comfort zone on this character.
Besides if you collect enough shouts magic is unnecessary IMO. And it will fit better with Nord Lore to make a Nord with shouts than one who also uses magic. Again IMO, nothing against anyone else playing a Nord Battlemage if anyone does.
No matter how hard I try, I can't give up my enchanting/spell casting.
I almost always go with light. Heavy is too slow, makes an annoying sound when you run, and I'm not a fan of the looks of most of the heavy armors (I think steel, steel plate, and dwarven are the only good ones).
There are some good heavy armors added through mods, but I still prefer light so I don't have to worry about having a specific perk or guardian stone not to move like a snail and sound like someone dropping nails into a jar.
I mostly go light armor with a heavy shield. Steel shield looks nice.
OK, I am a pack rat in these games and loot capacity is important to me. I have always gone Light Armor in TES games. I usually play a Fighter type character.
In this game, with the right Perks and Skills, there is no benefit to one type of armor over another one, unless there are some perks in those respective trees that help your chosen character path.
My current character is light armored, so I voted that. Though I usually tend to prefer heavy.
light armor
Nightingale Armor
Thieves guild armor
Dark brotherhood shrouded armor
Dragonscale armor
royal vampire armor
blackguards armor
Ancient Falmer armor
and regular Guard armor.
IMO these sets are much better looking then anything te heavy armor tree has to offer