Warriorish class with light armor?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:27 pm

Anyone tried this? I made an orc some days ago, originally intented him to either dualwield or use twohand weapons, while using hide/scaled armor (yes I was strongly influenced by the badass orc on the loading screen :D ).

Anyway, I ended up with heavy armor and I am now in full daedric.

Anyone tried this? Apart from the scaled/hide armors looking badass with a two hand axe, giving a much more barbaric feel to the character, the 50% stamina regeneration perk in the light armor tree would be pretty nice, also you can move faster which would help with active avoidance in stead of just being a tank and relying on block. Or would I just get squashed in close combat, especially with dualwield without the ability to block, on any difficulty at or above adept? Thoughts?

Also, a question about dualwield: It's only the attack with both mouse buttons that actually give you "double damage", right? The only difference from using a one hander is that with the perks you can attack 35% faster?
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:01 am

My Legendary Glass armor give me 150 armor rating with no perk in light armor. I only use a bow, and can take plenty of damage from whatever anything in Skyrim gives me, at level 32. If you invested in perks you could get up over 200 armor rating. I think that would be more than sufficient for an Orc Barbarian :)
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:56 am

my second warrior character uses light armor(first was heavy), and it so far works much better than heavy armor
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adam holden
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:59 pm

I'm running full Legendary Glass (no shield) with a reasonable amount of perks sunk into Light Armour (67, boosted to 79 with an enchantment), and I'm at 357 armour rating.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:05 pm

I'm currently using glass armour as a one handed + shield warrior and it's going pretty good. As far as asthetics go it looks a bit errmmm.

The dragon scale and Nightingale armour look badass. I'm waiting till i'm a higher level before I get the Nightingale armour though so I get its top rating.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:50 pm

I just made a warrior (after absent mindedly deleting my other's save..) and decided to go with light armor and sword and board instead of heavy armor and two handed weapon. I must say, it's much more enjoyable and seems to be better.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:03 pm

I did this with my dual wielding nord just cause the scaled armor looked very nordish. worked fine for me but i would carry around a shield if your going to dual wield, the no blocking can be a pain against some enemies. I also carried around a bow and spent some perks on it to deal with dragons or giants
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Penny Courture
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:45 am

I think I'll try this. However can't be arsed with leveling up again, so I'll just "respec" using the console :)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:41 pm

This again?

Light Armor is better protection-wise than Heavy Armor, both can achieve maximum damage resistance and Light Armor has the 10% avoid all damage perk on top of that.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:07 am

I have Dragon scale light armor and the Cheat piece at legendary is 226
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:51 am

LMAO dude I got inspired from that loading screen as well!! I immediately stop my Khajiit Assassin, and made an orc using light armor and dual wielding axes. (by far my favorite dual wielded weapons) It works extremely well. You can move faster which is always nice. And I just like light armor better period. It's a really fun play style. Have at it. :D
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:27 pm

I don't think light armor will ever give you the armor rating that heavy armor can. That said you can shield bash and power attack a helluva lot more in light armor. And this <--- is why I may never wear Heavy Armor unless it's just for kicks.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:23 pm

Light armor is fantastic. I first made a one-hand & shield Redguard who wore heavy armor. I became too strong very quickly so I ditched that game completely and now I rock a warrior/stealth type of fellow. Also a Redguard. It is much more fun. I wear the full Nightingale armor which I've upgraded to protect myself quite well. I use archery a lot but I have a glass war axe which deals 101 damage in case close quarters is ever required. I have a shield as well but I don't use it a lot. Running through dungeons and smashing everyone to pieces was cool for a minute. It becomes too easy and quite boring. Definitely give the sneaky warrior a play.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:21 pm

Took a sword/shield in light armor to 48 or so on Master, with no smithing and no armor perks. Did fine though if you don't block you will be one shot by some of the things.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:03 pm

This again?

Light Armor is better protection-wise than Heavy Armor, both can achieve maximum damage resistance and Light Armor has the 10% avoid all damage perk on top of that.

Only after you level it up quite a bit and even then I wouldn't say it's "better" it all depends on what bonuses you prefer.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:10 am

This again?

Light Armor is better protection-wise than Heavy Armor, both can achieve maximum damage resistance and Light Armor has the 10% avoid all damage perk on top of that.

The 10% avoidance requires a lot of useless perks to get to, heavy armor requires only 4 perks to cap armor at not hinder you. If you are tight on perks heavy armor is vastly superior.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:24 pm

My Legendary Glass armor give me 150 armor rating with no perk in light armor. I only use a bow, and can take plenty of damage from whatever anything in Skyrim gives me, at level 32. If you invested in perks you could get up over 200 armor rating. I think that would be more than sufficient for an Orc Barbarian :)

Yea it works GREAT with warriors (the only downside is that elven and glass IMO doesn't look a lot like the armor a barbarian or whatever would use). For shield classes, most of the incoming damage is taken to the shield block anyway and the stamina regen means more blocking and more power attacks/shield blocks back. For 2h/DW classes it means more consistant damage and a 10% chance to dodge attacks. legendary glass isn't even up at the level of dragon bone (which is still less than daedric I think) and if you get 150 armor rating without talents you would get much more with them. You get 25% bonus for same set, 25% bonus for all light, and 100% for 5/5 talents... that gives you about 375 armor in glass without a shield. That's great IMO, and more than enough.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:29 pm

My Redguard is at 22 right now and rocks Light Armor dual swords. I play a Barbarian/Ranger type character focusing on Light Armor, Dual wield one handers, Archery, Sneak, Alchemy, and Smithing. No enchant as I am a BARBARIAN AND WE ONLY IMBUE OUR WEAPONS WITH BLOOD. Also light armor dual wield feels like a barbarian.

I am tempted to console command my character and change my one perk in the sword crit + to the axe perks as dual one hand axes looks awesome sauce.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:33 pm

Have wondered about this myself (currently playing 2-handed/heavy armor). Avoiding damage by moving has so far proven more useful than taking the hit & getting two-shotted anyway, despite wearing heavy armor. That and ofc the extra stamina perk is nice.

I will however stick with it and hope it gets better >.<
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:27 am

The 10% avoidance requires a lot of useless perks to get to

You can get to it on nothing but +% armor perks which you want anyway.

It's the Heavy Armor that has Conditioning at the end of a worthless perk path.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:12 pm

My Legendary Glass armor give me 150 armor rating with no perk in light armor. I only use a bow, and can take plenty of damage from whatever anything in Skyrim gives me, at level 32. If you invested in perks you could get up over 200 armor rating. I think that would be more than sufficient for an Orc Barbarian :)

Hexxus is correct. My warrior Nord gal is simply wearing leather armor (Legendary). I believe the armor rating is 220.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:11 pm

LMAO dude I got inspired from that loading screen as well!! I immediately stop my Khajiit Assassin, and made an orc using light armor and dual wielding axes. (by far my favorite dual wielded weapons) It works extremely well. You can move faster which is always nice. And I just like light armor better period. It's a really fun play style. Have at it. :D

Really? Are axes the sh**? My Nord has been going with swords the whole way (Elven Legendary). Think I'm going to grab a couple of Elven Battle axes, smith those bad boys up to legendary and give it a go. Thanks for sharing!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:48 pm

On this note, is the bleed effect worth specing Axes instead of Sword?
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J.P loves
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:40 pm

On this note, is the bleed effect worth specing Axes instead of Sword?

It's certainly a different playstyle, and better for 1h weapons IMO.

The crit on swords lets you do stylish finishers a lot and feels like you have a bunch of finesse in killing, the maces is kinda the same way but more about blugeoning and staggering. If you dual wield and like feeling like a barbarian, axes are the way to go. The bleed is good damage that seems to ignore armor completely, and is GREAT for going postal in large groups. The cleave bleed is good if you are striking lots of people but not really focus firing any of them and when an enemy goes into recovery state (kneels to take a breath) the bleed almost always kills them unless they are a particularily strong enemy.

This way when someone does down you can move onto the next quickly, it's great to see someone mortally cleaved die from their wounds too.

My 1h/shield warrior invested in an offhand weapon and perks toward the end of the game when I was doing the civil war and it was great, I was using axes and had 3/3 axe spec at that point. Running into large groups slashing with my axes to apply bleeds then using dual wield power attacks was a rush to be sure. Be sure to use one handed strikes with axes though, those are the ones that let you keep moving, once you get into the thick of it with enemies all around you, that's when you go for the dual wield power attacks. I'm not positive, but it seemed to do more bleed damage if I hit with left and right axes instead of just one of them.... like each one stacked a separate bleed, which made dual wielding all the more useful.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:18 pm

I'm an archer in Legendary Dragonscale (with LA perks), anything other than generic melee mobs will rip me to pieces. Bandit Bosses, hell even Marauders and such, mid-higher tier Draugar, etc. A few hits and I'm a corpse. Of course I only have 250 or so HP, so...went for the stealth archer glass cannon.

If I cant sneak up on it or gain positional advantage I make a tactical relocation (it's not running away!).
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