As the description says, warriors seem to get the best of both worlds in skyrim. Being a Dovakhiin poses as a large advantage to a warrior, because of the fact that dragon shouts make them as deadly from afar as they are in close combat/distance. I can't help but think of a Dovakhiin Warrior as being a warrior with overpowered magic abilities (at least dragon shouts seem to be more powerful than 'regular' spells, the only difference is a battle mage casts spells from his/her hand(s) while a Dovakhiin Warrior casts from his mouth.) and not only that, but they get to have heavy armour, finishing moves, health regeneration, etc. Imagine this warrior :
*Heavy Armour
*LOADS of HP (Since when you level up, you get 10 points and those points can be spent on either Health, Magicka or Stamina and a warrior doesn't need much of anything rather than the Health, a warrior
might as well spend the 10 points in health!)
*Regenerating HP
*Finishing Moves
*Dragon Shouts (making warrior deadly from afar, without the need of having any additional/required magicka)
*Dual Wielding (making the warrior even deadlier from up close).
So now, no longer will a warrior need to come up close to a mage/ranger to inflict damage. Also means that it makes other classes a bit underpowered when compared to the warrior class (well, crusaders maybe not) because their close combat capabilites do not seem that much improved. Thoughts?
I dont normally do.this, but since you're attacking my favorite class Ill bite.
1) Yes we have heavy armor. Heavy armor means warriors are my much slower = more enemy attacks will land.
2) Im sorry, but warriors need stamina more than anyone else. Archery? Requires stamina. Blocking? Stamina again. Swinging a weapon? Oh wait... More stamina. Stamina is also what determines carrying capacity this time around... And let me tell you those weapons, heavy armor, shields etc. aren't light by any stretch of the imagination.
3) Regenerating hp. Everyone gets this. Its so slow its useless during combat.
4) Finishing moves. Watch closely and you'll see that finishing moves are only performed on a strike that would kill the enemy anyways. Its just something cool to see instead of simple "fall to the ground like a rag doll" like we saw in oblivion.
5) Everyone gets dragon shouts.
6) Almost everyone i have talked to is less than impressed with dual weilding for warriors simply bc there is no blocking while dw. Furthermore, since with all that armor were not very mobile we cant dodge either, so its more of a.rogue thing. If anything the dw has helped nerf the warrior. Bc now for "balance issues" a player with sword n board can no longer power attack, the bread and butter of a real warrior. Block, counter with a power attack.