1: It's too limiting. If two people call dibs on the beast-folk, and then someone else has a really good idea for a Khajiit monk, that person will not be able to make that character.
ITS BACK!!!!!!!
(IT = me)
and your not possibly refering to my Dro'Zar are you sparrow?
anyways, i think ive calmed down enough now after i got annoyed at my RP dying to come back to playing
1 i love the skills idea, i'd personally suggest having 2-3 skills that character excels in, (in-game and non-game)
2 also, if ur concerned on people coming and going and breaking the sorta prophecy feel then why not only give the spots to people who PLEDGE to stay till the end, iunno, thats the kinda strict thingy i might do

also, i am saying i will join if u make it, and i have several characters existing i could use but also wouldnt mind if i had to make a new
1, for those that remember him, Narkiourru my khajiit ruffian, incredibly lucky and gets away with most shtuff thru shear confidence and lack of consequence

fun to play as imo
2, Dirzryn is my lesser played Dunmer sorcerer (Vagrant Sorcerer) seeks to break the boundries that have been placed on magick and the schools, attempts to understand, break down and recreate magick effects into new ones, and hence isnt liked very much by the mages guild.
and 3, u probably guessed it, Dro'Zar my khajiit monk, tho i might make him pre-magick, in his backstory he was a highly skilled unarmed fighter who's only magick was brief descruction spells weaved in with his physical attacks. the only downside with him would be the fact he's a vampire so, im not sure how hard that would be to make work in the wandering around part, as i assume most would happen in the day.
well those are just 3 ideas, i could easy come up with another. could possibly even use
4, Vhirk, a young Dunmer archer who uses an enchanted bracer to 'solidify' his magick energy into arrow shafts which he then fires from his magically adapted bow, what i like to call an "Arcane Archer" or a "SpellShot" but i only got to use him a bit before so meh, not fussed
your welcome to criticise my chars if u wish, the least uber one of the 4 would be Narkiourru by far....