I watched it a few days ago, and found the whole storyline incredibly interesting.
Vikings fighting a savage tribe called the 'Wendol'. They wear poofy bear skin and heads and move on all fours to make themselves look more ferocious, and have an obsession with taking the heads of whom they kill. Like I said, they're incredibly Savage. In the movie, 13 Men (12 Vikings and one Arabian), make an oath and stop the Wendol attacks on their land. It's a really good movie, I'd suggest watching to get a better idea.
Anywhoozle, here how I think it could be implemented into ES.
It's roughly twenty-years after the Oblivion Crisis. With no heir to the throne, and the state of economy dropping, Cyrodiil elects Imperial General Xanten Radamis as ruler of Cyrodiil, for his Intelligence and Cunning abilities. A time of peace flooded Tamriel, but the economy in the Imperial homeland continued to cripple, forcing citizens to trade their Stone homes for wooden huts, and leave their jobs and do more agricultural things, such as farming. Reports of people going missing have alerted many citizens. The Fighters Guild has launched dozens of expeditions in hopes to find out what was going on, they found nothing.
Years later, unknown raids on settlements and trading caravans take place. Radamis assumes desperate Bandits, he is busy trying to 'free' Morrowind and the Black Marsh to worry about his own country. So it is up to the citizens to deal with it. The Rich and Noble, whom are heavily effected by these attacks, hire mercenary's to protects their farmlands. The poor, construct walls to protects their villages. The Counts and Countesses of the major cities of Cyrodiil, do not worry very much, seeing as their are behind a large fortified castle.
But, when the unknown raids become more viscous and disturbing, Radamis is forced to listen to the complaints and pleas of help from his citizens. He sent a battalion of over 150 Legionaries to a small remote village that had recently been raided. No survivors were found ... Alive and in one piece. All the denizens of the small village were butchered. And as one Legionnaire pointed out, their remains looked as if they were gnawed upon and that heads of all the victims were missing.
Only one enemy was caught in over 20 years of continued raids. It wore an animal skin, wolf to be exact, using the top part of it's head as some sort of mask, or hood and using the rest of it's skin as some sort of form of camouflage. What was strange about this creature, was it's appearance. It looked like a man, although had blood-red skin and claws in place of finger and toe nails. It also had the teeth of a dog. A startling discovery was made shortly after, that this creature, was in fact a man, but had been transformed by some sort of strong perverse magic. Both scientists and Mages believe it to be a dark form of Daedric Magic, but have no clues on where it came from. All they know is that this dark essence possessed people and turned them into savage killers.
When these raids turn into full-scale attacks, the council believes that they may have another crisis on their hands, and needs every available soldier to help defend their country. Nowhere is safe.
Their is a rumor, that an old Elven woman, only referred to as ''The Oracle'', is traveling from town to town, village to village, trying to fulfill a one-thousand year old prophecy. No one knows what this prophecy is, or even who the Oracle was. She is driven by fate to find the Nine Heroes spoken in the prophecy. Nine Adventurers, Nine Warriors.
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The story starts off as your at a small trading post along side a giant river. Your business there is your own, and you can't wait to get out of there until the Outpost suddenly gets a surprise guest.
Still needs a lot of work, like what the savage's are called, and shining the plot a bit more. But, that's what you guys are for. This is kind of an idea thread for this RP, suggestions, criticism is all welcome