I purchased the collector's edition for $30 at Gamestop; a very nice deal. I had wanted to by it on Steam but the price would never drop. I was very happy to find out that Steamworks was supported so that I could run it through Steam instead of the DVD. I was totally unaware at the time that Steam is actually required for the PC version, even if just in handling the patches (and I assume, the DLC), which makes the bugs that exist that much more frustrating.
The mainly annoying bugs and how they have to be bypassed are having to disable the Steam overlay (something ubiquitous in Steam and something that I like to use) so that the NV launcher doesn't crash the game every time, the fact that on the first run attempt (even with overlay disabled) crashes the launcher but it seems OK afterwards and the fact that you cannot launch the game through the desktop icon without the launcher crashing.
If you are going to require that people use a service to play your game then make sure that it actually works well with it. I have no idea if other crashes in the game (some are able to be replicated and are in really stupid places, like a particular vendor that always crashes when buying more that 3 or 4 things at a time from him; mainly Caravan cards) are related to instabilities that NV has with Steam.
I sincerely hope that these issues get fixed if not just for the sake of future players.