» Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:07 am
This will probably get moved to the Oblivion section of the forum, but here goes...
It depends what you were looking for. I don't pretend to think my opinion is universal, but I was pretty disappointed with it. The level/loot scaling didn't make me feel any progress or accomplishment. By the time I battled and scraqed my way to glass armor, everyone else was wearing it too. At some point in the game, iron weapons and armor were the REAL treasures of the game, being even rarer than common sense in a junior high political debate.
Even if I could get past that, a large part of my positive gaming experience is what I call "the trophy effect". The physics engine made it practically impossible for me to display the loot around my house. This meant everything got hidden away in storage containers. On the few occasions my character visited home, there was nothing there to remind me of all my past adventures. After a couple of weeks I found myself missing Morrowind, so I went back and played that instead.
But I wouldn't intentionally rain on the parade of someone who actually enjoyed the game.