I was replaying Oblivion, and... (Oblivion Spoilers)

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:14 am

hehe, i remember when i closed that bigass oblivion gate infront of bruma. i only had 2 other city's helping me and by the time i came out everyone was dead except for martin. being a badass and holding of 20 deadroth on his own :P
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:59 am

Dragonborn means anyone of the Septim bloodline.

Yup. Anyone of Tiber Septims bloodline are blessed by the Divine Talos.

But to our knowledge... all of the Septims are now dead with
Martins Sacrifice in The Oblivion Crisis

The Emperors Sons were murdered at the beginning of Oblivion and through all of that, the end of the Dragonborn lineage.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:02 am

My impression was that all descendants of the Septim dynasty (and possibly descendants of Alessia?) qualified as dragonborn. Which, according to the main plot of Daggerfall was a ton of people (several named characters, and implied many more unnamed characetrs), though according to the main plot of Oblivion Martin was the last. Maybe I'm confused.

Also IIRC in one Oblivion fanfic I read anyone descended from a mix of all 10 playable races was also considered dragonborn, but I have no clue if that was lore-based or not.

I know exactly which fanfic you are talking about. I read it as well. TIGER LILY! It was called "Twist of Fate" by Phoenicia. She is a phenomenal writer. I was talking with her about it once, because I, too, am a writer on FanFiction in the Elder Scrolls section. She said she got the idea while cruising the Imperial Libraries, and found it in there. So, from her statement there, it is - according to all of the fans who have founded the Imperial Library - lore actual.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:34 am

Tiber was likely a Nord. :shrug:

i think he was, i read about him, he WAS born in atmora, the nord's original homeland, under the name of "talos"...

...although, if a new emperor comes along, that will likely crush the story of the elder scrolls novel, the infernal city.
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jess hughes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:02 am

Not it's not, only the Septim bloodline starting with TIber Septim (Talos), also nicknamed Dragon of the North or Ysmir. Reman and Alessia were not Dragonborn.

St. Alessia and the line of Reman Cyrodiil both possessed the Dragon's Blood, remember it was Al-Esh who received the Amulet of Kings, sealing the covenant that allowed Akatosh to bestow Dragon's Blood upon the leaders of the Empire.. It is no specific 'line,' due to the many assassinations and dilutions of the Septim line, nobody in Tamriel could claim Uriel Septim VII as a direct descendant of Tiber Septim and keep a straight face . Martin Septim was Dragonborn as well, but it is more a divine connection to Akatosh than a bloodline.

i think he was, i read about him, he WAS born in atmora, the nord's original homeland, under the name of "talos"...

Some sources say he came from Atmora, some say he was born in High Rock and trained in Skyrim. Considering his godhood and CHIMliness both possibilities might be true, divinity makes everything more complicated.
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:36 am

Dragonborn is far more of a spiritual state than a physical one, considering the previously mentioned evidence that Tiber Septim's bloodline veered off and petered out. Martin wasn't even directly or indirectly related to Tiber Septim, and neither was Uriel, or many of the other Emperors.

It has a lot more to do with one's position in the world than who their bloodline is connected to.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 pm

Then why the hell do the dragons fear the Dragon Born? That makes no sense.
Different type of dragon.
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Lori Joe
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