If TESO bombs hard they will probably spend even more money on TES VI to restore faith in the franchise.
If TESO bombs hard they will probably spend even more money on TES VI to restore faith in the franchise.
If this thread proves anything its that the only thing skyrim did perfect was split its fanbase.
But is the negativity not deserved? The hardcoe fans feel abandoned and they realize the TES they came to know is gone in favor of the action adventure game we got with Skyrim. You forget online forums are usually places for the harcore fans so of course there will be more negativity.
But I have to say ive seen many more apologist, calling glitches and bugs features. Saying bad in game mechanics are part of Bethesda's ingenious plan to let you play however you want. I cant believe some of the stuff I read on here.
More like disapointment, and unfulfiled expectations.
1. lol
2. I really wish it was
3. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Lost_Tongue_Overlook dragon always spaws sitting on top word wall and it always crashlands. Same stuff happens here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ancient%27s_Ascent
If the battle is ideantical every time I fight a dragon it is scipted. I hate going to college just because of that stupid dragon spawn.
As am I and I'm not unfulfilled, but at the same time I'm now "Wow"ed at every moment. So much more could have been done, and other stuff done more proper. That being said, a lot of it they got right. It's a really good series, not my favorite, but it is still really good. Skyrim could have been better but for many variables just wasn't, but probably mostly because of 11/11/11.
What does this mean? The impression I got was zenimax was the big parent company with several small studios under it, bethesda being one. Yes/no?
Not Zenimax the mother company. A subsidiary company, Zenimax Online Studios.
If you kill the owner, they can't cut wood, now can they?
Yea... What's your point?
They can still cut wood (sometimes the ai "bugs out" and you see like some random grandma chop wood and Serana gonna serana). Nobody just cares.
I've been the mina near riverwood so many times that I simply type kill all when I enter and leave. I think my best combo 5 times in a row to that friggin mine to kill that friggin bandit leader.
My point is that dragons are scipted and devs lied.
Dragons are not Scripted. Scripted means they would be and do the same thing every time, and would appear only once. For example, Alduin Reviving the dragon when you get to kynesgrove (i think) with Delphine to prove you are dragonborn is scripted because it will always happen, the Fight itself is not scripted because it is a different dragon type depending on your level and will fight differently ( even if only slightly) each time you reload the save before it is revived.
Chopping wood at the block is not the same as running the mill.
Here is where it gets funny. You need to give more details.
You are making it out like you are playing one guy and he is sent there once right after the other. I can only assume this is in regards to the "kill bandit at X" for Jarl Balg in Whiterun.
All Dragons are not scripted. There are Dragons that free roam throughout the gameworld. That is why you can have two and even three at a time. One is a random event and it just happens that a free roamer is in the area as well.
These unscripted Dragons are the ones that will eventually fly off and disappear, if they are not aggroed. THAT is the unscripted Dragons that are referred to.
Yay verily tis a grand time to be a Elder Scrolls fan
SKYRIM is one of my favorite rpgs of all time alongside DAGGERFALL. Both take me to an epic world of unstoppable heroism and dastardly daedrictry painted upon a canvas virtually alive in timeless artistic fantasy. A world which carries on the grand Bethesda motto of being whatever you want to be in a world where you can do whatever you want.
No it was not.
And to be perfectly frank, I'm getting tired of these kind of threads you keep making.
I've never liked video games with medieval / fantasy themes.. HOWEVER, skyrim stole my heart... not a day goes by now without playing it...
So your point is its revolutionary because its popular? is that it? because in every other category when you look at it without the blinders you can see it really isn't all that cracked up to be, the world? fantastic, beautiful one of the best around for a SP game. doing anything in that world? ha -VIABLE-(and let me repeat so I don't get imaginate statements) -VIABLE- choices of action that involved turning the cogs of the game and not my mind are exceptionally limited.
Skyrim is popular because of Marketing.
Fus roh dah is popular because of Marketing.
Arrow in knee, Marketing, internet culture, its not even funny.
ranting and raving 1 hour hype reviews, again Marketing.
because we have more people in games now that we ever did, EVER Communications look and behaving like nothing they did in the past, internet accessibility and people getting tired of COD. THESE are the reasons why Skyrim is -Popular- and so well known. not because its revolutionary or somehow did something different, TES has been TES for over a decade and peeps have to gall to set Beths success solely on Skyrim, that is disgusting.
Arena and daggerfall set the niche a time where few games like them existed and the following was small
Morrowind dawned on the age of the new consoles and put Beth on the map, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. thats where the publicity came in.
Oblivion came about in the Age of Lotr movies, COD, Shooters and faulty notions of accessibility, more folks were playing games and peeps needed something new.
Skyrim the principality of Aggressive Marketing of which only lasting impression is that if I've seen/heard it so much it must be good. I wonder how worthless all those Gamestop Dovakiin statues Beth paid for are worth now? or the Trailer that had all of nothing to do with what actually happens in the game.
Its a Great Game, don't over sell it.
Don't forget youtube and things like "let's porm up Skyrim weekly". Got all the kids riled up that you can get Skyrim to look like a cheap porm game.