was skyrim rushed?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:28 am

I'm not sure it was rushed. Oblivion was delayed countless times and was released in worse shape than Skyrim is.

The Elder Scrolls / Fallout team are just world-class botchers. They do some things great. Their world is amazing. The game in general is tons of fun. But each stone you turn reveals cut corners and botched features.

"delayed countless times"?

Where did you see the official announcements? I'm curious; I was here for the fun fun happy times before Oblivion was released, and I recall there was no specific date announced at first. They were going for "holidays 2005". Then it was pushed back and released in March of 2006. So I'm counting that as 1 time. Were there other announcements I missed?
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:32 am

I think even one extra month of heavy testing and fixes would have dramatically improved this game. As is, I really should know better than to buy a game at release. My MMO rule is never to touch it until it's at least 3 months old. I guess I need to apply it it regular games, too.
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loste juliana
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:38 pm

Honestly - the community makes me shake my head at times. Skyrim is a remarkable achivement - simply one of the most believable open worlds ever created. Could more work have improved things - of course, given infinite time and money - but Bethesda is also a business. Does this feel like a rushed game. No it feels like a game that reflects the time and skill of those who made it. 4 or 5 dungeons contain more single player content than some modern game

I really can't believe people moaning about the LACK of content. The amount packed into the world far exceeds any other game you'll play this year - and to compare the content to Morrowind is also completely misleading given additions of voice acting etc in the last decade.

I wish people could simply enjoy Skyrim for what it is - and if you don't like that: play something else.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:54 pm

Honestly - the community makes me shake my head at times. Skyrim is a remarkable achivement - simply one of the most believable open worlds ever created. Could more work have improved things - of course, given infinite time and money - but Bethesda is also a business. Does this feel like a rushed game. No it feels like a game that reflects the time and skill of those who made it. 4 or 5 dungeons contain more single player content than some modern game

I really can't believe people moaning about the LACK of content. The amount packed into the world far exceeds any other game you'll play this year - and to compare the content to Morrowind is also completely misleading given additions of voice acting etc in the last decade.

I wish people could simply enjoy Skyrim for what it is - and if you don't like that: play something else.

You have hit the nail on the head in this instance. I have 60+ hours into the game and the only gripe I have is having to save all the time so that I don't lose progress when I inevitably get killed by something. When you think about it, that's a really minor quibble about such a massive game.

I think people might have been expecting perfection, which is unreasonable. My expectations, without having played any other games in the series, were VERY high and I have not been disappointed. The best part is that there is likely DLC coming in the future. A game THIS MASSIVE will be getting EVEN MORE CONTENT!!!

...and I bet people will complain that the DLC isn't perfect, either.
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:54 am

So are we resorting to "Rushed" as a rationalization for some of the really stupid screw-ups in this now?
Fair enough, I'll play along.

I want to know who the hell beta tested the game, I know everyone harped on about the world but I don't actually recall anyone ever talking about quests, other than say the Radiant AI system and how many there could be in the game, no one ever talked about the quality of Dialogue and Questlines as opposed to older TES games, which is why I suppose Bethesda really dropped the ball on them, I mean I wonder if now they realize their Mistakes? Or for some ungodly reason they disagree with the opinion that the Questslines and NPC interactions are not as good as Previous games, even Oblivion and that's REALLY saying something as I rather detested how bland the Oblivion Fighter's Guild was, but the factions were still better than what we got in Skyrim, mind you Oblivion managed to surprise with how Good the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild questlines were, they made the Main Quest look like trash.

Whether Skyrim was Rushed or Not, some team, somewhere, really dropped the ball and made a potentially mind-blowingly awesome game of the Decade come out as a "pretty awesome game"

You might ask "What about the world?" What about it? It's TES, The world's have always been pretty damn good and Beth have more than enough experience in successfully creating fantastic worlds so this isn't anything all that unprecedented for them, it's awesome yes but there's more to the game than just the environment and Bethesda should... no, DO know that, which is why Skyrim is confusing with it's flaws.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:00 am

You have hit the nail on the head in this instance. I have 60+ hours into the game and the only gripe I have is having to save all the time so that I don't lose progress when I inevitably get killed by something. When you think about it, that's a really minor quibble about such a massive game.

I think people might have been expecting perfection, which is unreasonable. My expectations, without having played any other games in the series, were VERY high and I have not been disappointed. The best part is that there is likely DLC coming in the future. A game THIS MASSIVE will be getting EVEN MORE CONTENT!!!

...and I bet people will complain that the DLC isn't perfect, either.

yeah this is why i asked the question. from reading alot of the recent threads and the threads before the game came out it seemed like the hype had gotten way too big from all the press the game was getting . it honestly seems like hopes were mabye to high and people got let down , its one of the reason i tried to keep away from news about the game as long as i could (thanks to my [censored] of a friend he made sure to push it in my face every time i was at his house) as ive said so many times in the past alot of people who got into the series with morrowind reguardless of their age didnt know what to expect going in and were blown away . in this day and age where we are told new things every couple of weeks or so it tends to destroy the mystery and inner speculation that we dont get to discover becuase they told us so much damn info before release ...did we really need to know that marriage ,or the dark brother hood were in? with the way they are introduced it would have been better to discover somthing like that instead of knowing before hand....that said theres no excuse for the quests being short i like the quest lenght in oblivion and the really wierd ones like through a nightmare darkly
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:45 pm

I really can't believe people moaning about the LACK of content. The amount packed into the world far exceeds any other game you'll play this year - and to compare the content to Morrowind is also completely misleading given additions of voice acting etc in the last decade.

Uh-huh. So Skyrim has lots of content and if you point out a game that has more content and more complex mechanics, it's not a valid comparison, because...?
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:15 am

I've said this before...this is probably the most stable, polished out of the box release Bethesda has done to date. I've only had 1 CTD with 40 hours of gameplay. Features you thought should be in the game but aren't, this isn't a sign of it being rushed, its a design decision. I'm sure Bethesda does start the bar pretty high in the initial design stages, and inevitably features get cut, even before development starts. That's just software development.

I really don't understand the complaining, its like everyone on these forums has some false sense of entitlement. I paid $60 for this game, have already had 40 hours of entertainment out of it, and I haven't even explored half the map yet, and barely touched the main quest. Definitely money well spent.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:38 am

Yes, skyrim was rushed.

Or atleast very poorly done.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:41 pm

It seems like it in a lot of ways. Which is weird given they have more man-hours put into it than any game before.

It's because they had to take alot of time to improve their engine and graphics. That takes a long while. Then comes programming the gameplay and THEN they start making content.
Still though, I think that overall Skyrim is very good. Very few things wrong with it that can't be fixed by mods.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:34 am

I've said this before...this is probably the most stable, polished out of the box release Bethesda has done to date. I've only had 1 CTD with 40 hours of gameplay. Features you thought should be in the game but aren't, this isn't a sign of it being rushed, its a design decision. I'm sure Bethesda does start the bar pretty high in the initial design stages, and inevitably features get cut, even before development starts. That's just software development.

I really don't understand the complaining, its like everyone on these forums has some false sense of entitlement. I paid $60 for this game, have already had 40 hours of entertainment out of it, and I haven't even explored half the map yet, and barely touched the main quest. Definitely money well spent.

Oh I agree, I've had very few crashes and "problematic" bugs myself, my only Gripe is that I've seen Beth do better, I'm not going to deny that they made a fantastic game but the Flaws are just really, really terrible ones that don't make any sense to me as to why they exist.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:59 am

I wouldn't say it's rushed. It has alot more content than most Ubisoft, or EA games.

Some areas in my version of skyrim are not finished. In the dwelmer underground cities some doors just lead to box rooms with npcs behind the walls, so surely there's something there. My version of skyrim is offline and hasn't been patched since release. Am i right in saying there's a lot of area that just haven't been finished?
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:38 pm

eh but then again the mountain of side quest,things to kill,and radiant encounters have been so enjoyable i havent found myself really caring that the questlines where so short....once again im more concerned by how pissed people are .....as for my opinion on the game just to say it already?......people say oblivion was majorly flawed , the main quest svcked, weapon selection svcked, pretty much alot of what has been said about skyrim...eh i loved it thats me personally shivering isles as a whole is my favorite tes experience (competing with skyrim) ....too many people in the world to be debating why they should or shouldnt like a game ....its impossible (unless you can mind controll some one) to make them think like you do. for my part i wouldnt want to...people not complaining means things dont get fixed when they should (that sorta thing) i wouldnt want evryone to be like my way of thinking then again....im always nuetral about it anyways (havent felt too negative or too positive about any of the games in the series but thats just me........i do think the media has screwed with our sense of mystery and imagination though....too much damn coverage.

reference to an earlier post i made
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:41 am

I'm not sure Skyrim was rushed, but I'm quite certain the 11-11-11 release date gave the developers zero flexibility, as the ability to delay was reduced almost to nothing. The game appears unfinished to me, but in a rather subtle way. I'm talking about how NPCs don't notice political changes or dragon attacks, how dialogue stays the same despite changes in the game world and so forth. In a general sense, I think Skyrim's release has been pretty good. From what I heard, Daggerfall was a disaster at 1.0 and Bethesda has clearly improved in their release product over the years. I just think the game could have used 2 or 3 months more to sort of bring it up to speed, not a huge delay but just a bit more time to settle the details. It is, of course, obvious why this didn't happen, and as sales have not been adversely affected, I guess we have to figure Bethesda made the right choice. Hard to argue with real world results you know.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:00 pm

I don't think it was rushed as it took them a couple of years to develop it. I do how ever believe that the new design they used was/are
inexperienced with there new set up as that new the last engien like the back of there hand they don't know this engien as well...
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josie treuberg
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:14 am

I'm not sure Skyrim was rushed, but I'm quite certain the 11-11-11 release date gave the developers zero flexibility, as the ability to delay was reduced almost to nothing. The game appears unfinished to me, but in a rather subtle way. I'm talking about how NPCs don't notice political changes or dragon attacks, how dialogue stays the same despite changes in the game world and so forth. In a general sense, I think Skyrim's release has been pretty good. From what I heard, Daggerfall was a disaster at 1.0 and Bethesda has clearly improved in their release product over the years. I just think the game could have used 2 or 3 months more to sort of bring it up to speed, not a huge delay but just a bit more time to settle the details. It is, of course, obvious why this didn't happen, and as sales have not been adversely affected, I guess we have to figure Bethesda made the right choice. Hard to argue with real world results you know.

thats true....damn marketing...the overheads have to be responsible for alot of this too....poor todd
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Angel Torres
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:49 am

I don't understand the complaint about short questlines. The Thieves' Guild questline alone has been at least 8-10 hours for me. That's more than the MW3 single-player story. Take into account that there are multiple guilds, along with the main storyline and random NPC quests, and you have a crap ton of time to run around and enjoy the world.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:01 am

How long was Skyrim's development, exactly?
I'm not asking for miracles, but c'mon, faction quest chains that are 7 quests long? What the hell happened there...

They realized they don't need arbitrarily long quests to make them good, fun, and enjoyable. The Radiant quests are certainly nice, though.

When I'm ambitious, I go for the main quests. When I'm feeling like a "group member", I do radiant quests. The Companions (aside from a forced decision) are my favorite questline so far, out of ANY TES game.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:19 am

I don't understand the complaint about short questlines. The Thieves' Guild questline alone has been at least 8-10 hours for me. That's more than the MW3 single-player story. Take into account that there are multiple guilds, along with the main storyline and random NPC quests, and you have a crap ton of time to run around and enjoy the world.

love your sig he will kick your face
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:12 am

The ONLY thing you should be upset about in this game is the 1.2 patch. They will be adjusting it next week and they are working on a nice load of things for their community. Yes the patch is literally a game-breaker for anyone other than the Novice difficulty player. BUT it is being fixed very shortly.


There they apologize about the update and talk about fixing it in the future. Also their plans. If you still thing this game and its developers are horrible go [censored] yourself (:
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Bethany Short
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:19 pm

I dont know why people make these threads. Seems theyd do anything just to hit out at the game

For attention ? :whistling:
Don't forget posters on this forum represent a tiny minority of the vast majority who bought the game and don't have time to troll ES forums, as they are too busy playing and enjoying it :foodndrink:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:19 pm

Dragon Age 2....was rushed.

Skyrim....was not.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:51 am

Morrowind, if I recall, only had 20, yet they managed so much.

Are you kidding? Morrowind has more gamebreakers than Skyrim. Alchemy literally does not work at all. You can only actually craft potions if you're really, really lucky. Otherwise, it just says "Enter a name for your potion" endlessly.

I'd also like to point out (as I have in other threads) that Bethesda does not set the launch date, and barely has any say in it, anyway. The publisher (Zenimax, in this case) sets the release date and contracts the developer to bring it to fruition. If problems are encountered during development, then it can really put a spanner in the works of getting everything done in time, but for the most part it's incredibly difficult to change the release date if it's already been set, and because Bethesda's role is determined contractually, it can often mean that the game is canned altogether, and that the development studio falls apart due to lack of funding. Believe me, it's much better than Zenimax just kept the release date, and had the game launch witih the glitches.
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:46 pm

I don't believe Skyrim was rushed, it's had some bug issues (I've only had like 3. Ever), but that's to be expected of a Bethesda release. I'm like 90% sure they said they started working on Skyrim right after Fallout 3 (October 2008{North America, Europe, and Australia}). That's three years of production. Which is way more time than those yearly release games. I'm looking at you, Call of Duty, and Assassin's Creed. (I actually love the AC games, and I also enjoy CoD, but they could improve so much if they'd pace themselves, but I'm getting off topic here).

TL;DR (If you're that lazy. It was barely a paragraph): I don't think Skyrim was rushed.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:10 am

Are you kidding? Morrowind has more gamebreakers than any of the other games Bethesda have released. Alchemy literally does not work at all. You can only actually craft potions if you're really, really lucky. Otherwise, it just says "Enter a name for your potion" endlessly.

I'd also like to point out (as I have in other threads) that Bethesda does not set the launch date, and barely has any say in it, anyway. The publisher (Zenimax, in this case) sets the release date and contracts the developer to bring it to fruition. If problems are encountered during development, then it can really put a spanner in the works of getting everything done in time, but for the most part it's incredibly difficult to change the release date if it's already been set, and because Bethesda's role is determined contractually, it can often mean that the game is canned altogether, and that the development studio falls apart due to lack of funding. Believe me, it's much better than Zenimax just kept the release date, and had the game launch witih the glitches.

actually from what ive heard of old school fans daggerfall and arena had the worst bugs and glitches
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