» Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:54 am
So are we resorting to "Rushed" as a rationalization for some of the really stupid screw-ups in this now?
Fair enough, I'll play along.
I want to know who the hell beta tested the game, I know everyone harped on about the world but I don't actually recall anyone ever talking about quests, other than say the Radiant AI system and how many there could be in the game, no one ever talked about the quality of Dialogue and Questlines as opposed to older TES games, which is why I suppose Bethesda really dropped the ball on them, I mean I wonder if now they realize their Mistakes? Or for some ungodly reason they disagree with the opinion that the Questslines and NPC interactions are not as good as Previous games, even Oblivion and that's REALLY saying something as I rather detested how bland the Oblivion Fighter's Guild was, but the factions were still better than what we got in Skyrim, mind you Oblivion managed to surprise with how Good the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild questlines were, they made the Main Quest look like trash.
Whether Skyrim was Rushed or Not, some team, somewhere, really dropped the ball and made a potentially mind-blowingly awesome game of the Decade come out as a "pretty awesome game"
You might ask "What about the world?" What about it? It's TES, The world's have always been pretty damn good and Beth have more than enough experience in successfully creating fantastic worlds so this isn't anything all that unprecedented for them, it's awesome yes but there's more to the game than just the environment and Bethesda should... no, DO know that, which is why Skyrim is confusing with it's flaws.