I have been trying to squeeze some info outta the community team to no avail but thinking about it, the game should run on consoles like it did on PC set to low/medium. Lower textures, lower draw distance, lower physics, less POM, less advanced effects. These are all things that I hope will scale on PCs.
In that trailer there is a lot of stuff going on. The environments are quite dense with lots of rubble, abandoned cars, street furniture, smoke, lighting effects, sunrays, foliage, specular highlights on the suit, rain, accurate reflections in the puddles, decent textures on the roads etc. If the console can pull that off then it bodes well for the PC
My opinion is the only thing that they couldn't scale would be the size of the environments in Crysis. People say they could be streamed but in Crysis the huge environments were fully interactive - what I mean is, you could look down on a village from a hill half a mile away and use the binocs to scope out all the soldiers in the compound. I can't see that happening on the eggs box