EDIT - Sidenote: I will be using Light/Medium Armour. I don't like using Heavy Armour if I can help it.

Strength - 7
Perception - 9
Endurance - 2
Charisma - 1
Intelligence - 9
Agility - 3
Luck - 9
Energy Weapons
Light Frame - +1 Agility for a total of 4. Limbs are more easily crippled, but will be dealing with things from a distance anyway.
Educated - Simply because I like having extra skill points. 62 extra skill points makes me a happy person.
Light Touch - +5% critical hit chance and your enemies suffer a -25% critical hit chance while wearing light armour. I like LA and the crit bonus will help with Meltdown in the future.
Finesse - +5% Crit chance, or +5 Luck, however you wanna take it. Need it for Meltdown Later on.
Laser Commander - +15% DAM with EW and +10% Crit Chance. Build is a weapons specialist, so this makes sense to have.
Meltdown - Damaging corona of energy is released on critical hit. I love this ability, and the damage it causes.
Travel Light - Increases Movement Speed by 10%. I like to be able to move fast, hit my target, grab the loot, and make myself scarce.
Agility Implant - Bumps my Agility up to 5, moving faster is never a bad thing.
Luck Implant - Bumps my Luck up to 10. Gives another percent for my crit chance so I wont complain.
Strength Implant - Bumps my Strength to 8, wont have to worry about weapon strength requirements.
Endurance Implant - Bumps my Endurance to 3, wont complain about more HP.
Demolitions Expert - +20% Explosives DAM. Same reasoning for Laser Commander
Vigilant Recycler - More likely to recover spent EW ammo. Will need.
Bloody Mess - +5% DAM. Simply because I like, well, creating a bloody mess.
Shotgun Surgeon - -10DT when using a shotgun. I find myself loving the Riot Shotgun now so....
Strong Back - +50wg. Simply because I like looting.
Hit The Deck - Will be using explosives a lot, this is a must.
Splash Damage - Increased AoE. Need I say more?
Jury Rigging - Repair any item with a similiar item. Love this perk. Have to have it.
Toughness (Rank 2) - Total of +6 DT. Gonan be wearing LA so this helps.
-Optional Perks (not so sure about these)-
Rapid Reload - Reload 25% faster. Eh, I dont notice much difference. Expecially with 10 Agility.
The Professional - +20% Sneak Crit damage w/ revolvers, pistols, and submachine guns. I don't sneak much with any of these.
Cowboy - DAM increase for all dynamite, hatchets, knives, revolvers, and lever-action guns. On the fence about this one... Ehhh....
Quick Draw - Weapon Equip and Dequip 50% Faster. Same with Rapid Reload.
And Stay Back - Chance to knock enemies back w/ a shotgun. On the fence about this, sounds nice but... I've never used it.
Pyromaniac - +50% DAM with flame based weapons. Eh, I rarely use the flamer now as is...or incinerater for that matter.
Heavyweight - Any weapon above 10wg is cut in half. Simply because I'll be carrying a lot of heavy weapons.
Basics for outline for skills will be this:
100 Guns
100 Energy Weapons
100 Explosives
100 Lockpick
100 Repair
which leaves about 89 Skill points or so for me to distribute where I see fit. 30 of which may or may not go into Survival for Travel Light. Which leaves about 59 or so for science which I hope to max when HH comes out. Assuming the level cap increases.
Thanks for the comments/critiques/help in advance. As in all likelyhood I will be heading to bed shortly after posting this.