Big time waster? Also, is the body of water you mentioned a barrier? Can you swim across, or do you have to cross over the bridge? You said you made it West, but how far? Could you see the Reach, or Markarth? Yea, lots of questions :tongue:
Near river woood are 2 bridges, one to the south another to the north, the north bridge is closer, the Mountain trying to get around it is what I felt would have been a waste of time, Markarth was a bit way out of the way to not get destracted by patrols, other people got a third time in(I know right what the heck? I asked.) and new exactly where they wanted to go or what towns they wanted to reach, when you don't know where to go, you lose time being "lost" the body of water is a large lake connected by rivers on two sides, going south is ok but North part of the river there is a Big rockface that you can't climb on one side. you can swim sure did I? no um about north north west of the mountain Bleak falls was situated on, used up all my health potions after a fight, and about a few minutes in I got owned by arrows, from who I don't know but it was then that my play time was over, I died 6 times.