So I was trapped under a guard tower last night...

Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:51 pm

This is part bug, part user error I believe...but it was my first glitch so I feel the need to post about it!

I was setting up defenses in Sanctuary for the first time. I'm still getting the hang of this crafting thing, but I thought it would be a really awesome idea to put a turret on top of a guard tower. So I was standing on the tower stairs so I could see to the top, pointed my cursor where I wanted the turret to go on the top floor of the guard tower, and pressed A. And, instead of placing a turret, I picked up the guard tower, which caused me to fall through the stairs and underneath the tower structure, where I discovered that I was trapped. It wouldn't let me lift it up or maneuver it so I could walk out from under it. I couldn't put it down...because I was in the way. I tried storing it, scrapping it...none of those options were functioning. I tried leaving workshop mode, and it actually let me do that, but then I was just stuck in one place, still under the tower.

Rather than just reloading a save (and losing a BUNCH of crafting I had just done), or blowing it and myself up with a grenade, I decided to keep trying to escape. I tried jumping while holding it as if to relocate it, hoping that maybe if it lifted with me I could scoot to the side and out from underneath before we landed. But we jumped and landed as one, so that didn't work either. I could sort of see where I was going when the stairs would occasionally flicker out of view (my head may have been partially sticking out, but mostly all I could see was the underside of the guard tower) and by looking at the ground below me. I discovered that I could walk around and it would move with me, so walked over to a house hoping that maybe if I got close to a wall, the tower would pop up to try to go on the roof, while I stayed below. Nope. We just bumped into the wall. I was near the bridge and river, so I walked over to the bridge and thought that maybe if I got close enough to the side I would fall out from under the tower, and maybe it would stay up on the bridge, while I would land safely below. Nope. I ended up still trapped under the tower, in the river, with a face full of irradiated water. I finally just stumbled up the bank next to the bridge, frantically pushing A and hoping that if most of the tower was a bit higher up on the bank than my feet were, that maybe it would stick and I could get out...and eventually that's what happened! I think I just got lucky, at that point I was pretty sure that we were inseparable.

So this bug wasn't game breaking, and even if I never made it out of there without reloading or suicide, it wouldn't have been the end of the world. It was actually just kind of funny...I would have loved to have seen it from my settlers' perspectives, I probably looked hilarious, like my cat does when it gets stuck inside a shopping bag and runs around like crazy trying to escape! Just thought I would share. I still don't know whether a turret can actually go on top of a guard tower, I've been too afraid to try again. But if I do try it, I'll do it while standing on the ground, and probably after I've already built the turret on the ground, and then I'll try to move it up. Or I'll just build a prefab roof structure and put the tower and turret on top of that (while standing on the ground).

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Steven Hardman
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