» Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:04 pm
as much as I love playing this game, I say no. There is NO excuse for how they scaled the magic classes late game, all they had to do was add + damage to destruction spells to enchantments and it would scale just fine. There is NO excuse for how they created the crafting system, I can make leather bracers from 0 skill all the way to 100 with no diminishing returns? Really? Way to make item drops in your game pretty much obsolete. I'm pissed how easy dragons are to kill, I got attacked by two simultaneously and had no issue killing them off. Companions are idiots, all they do is get in your way and die. The PC port was awful, I've never had an rpg with more a tedious UI. Mounts STILL svck! How do you screw up mounts? I can get places faster on foot! WHY DO MY WEAPONS/SHIELD IN FIRST PERSON LOOK LIKE CRAP? The game crashes at least once EVERY session. They said the dungeons were unique, am I the only one that's grinded through 20+ nordic crypt style dungeons? Why are 80% of the enemies I fight bandits/draugurs? It's a massive game, there will be bugs, but some issues are blatant and makes it pretty obvious the dev team rushed this release out (like every other recent Bethesda game, I still haven't finished New Vegas because of the bugs). I still love to play this game, but why does this game not deserve GOTY? Because if it gets it, Bethesda will continue to release premature, unbalanced, buggy games because why not?