I'm trying to find out how many people have had their Pip-Boy Edition pre-orders cancelled by Walmart.
I'm trying to find out how many people have had their Pip-Boy Edition pre-orders cancelled by Walmart.
Just a tip: the more specific you make the thread title, the better response you'll have.
"Was your Pip-Boy Edition Cancelled by Walmart? Reply here!"
I got in on the second wave of pre-orders from Best Buy.....no cancellation yet (knocks on wood).
Did they give you a reason as to why it was cancelled?
Did your CC expire since you placed the pre-order? (this happened to me once on something like this)
You can't edit a thread title, but I fixed it for you
Yeah, unfortunately they only have to try once.. The payment didn't go through and they spun around and sold it because they knew they could.
Gamestop has more with a bundle crap to bump up the price
I preordered the Fallout 4 PC Pipboy Edition on Gamestop. After 5 months of waiting, believing I had secured my order, i received an email saying my credit card was declined. Except Gamestop has repeatedly attempted to charge my credit card with odd sums of money. They blame my credit card, but i have tried to "update my order" using 3 different cards. All the same result. Gamestop have refused any further help on the matter. Their customer support email is down and I have already waited on hold to them for over an hour.
I would have ordered the Pipboy Edition locally from EBgames but they sold out too quickly.
Gamestop appears to have done this to several customers.
I suspect they are cancelling legit customer orders to create these "complete bundles"
Won't order from them again...
Target screwed me out after a month of when I had placed my pre-order. They gave me a BS reason of my order not being sent through the system or something.
Not sure abut Wallmart but GameStop is collecting payments for placed preorders today and they sent out a courtesy email reminder to all who preordered a pip-boy edition to make sure their payment methods are in order......I suspect Wallmart is also collecting payments around this time too. A whole lot of people who didn't stay on top of their cards expiration dates or account balances are going to be pissed off about now and tossing their toys out of the pram with condemnations of GameStop/Wallmart/Santa Clause for screwing up their orders and accuse the retailers of deliberately screwing them over and so on. I've been doing business with GameStop for well over 10 years online and in a lot of different stores in all kinds of states and they have never purposefully screwed me over.....they almost accidentally screwed me over because an employee was confused and didn't know what he/she was doing but I absolutely believe that it is also my duty as a gamer to check, double-check, triple-check things from my end and I have always been able to quickly fix any issues I had with them before reaching a point of no return and even then I have had very few issues with them.
Hope they can resolve my issue then. There is no problem with my credit card and I have been online shopping with it for over a decade and never had this kind of situation till now.
I haven't heard of a single order cancel come from the Official Bethesda Store. I'm glad I pre-ordered mine from there.
I pre-ordered my PIP BOY EDITION from Amazon back in June. I check my order page daily just to make sure it's still there, all these stories of cancellations recently have made me nervous.
Dude don't worry about that. I've been doing the exact same thing for about 4 months now. I am crazy obsessive but I heard if they haven't canceled it by now, you're golden.