I like Harkness personally. I always thought he was one of the best-looking characters. He seems quite dedicated to his job though... :sadvaultboy:
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10379. If you're a nice person he'll follow you anywhere
... And Billy Creel comes with a house and daughter.
I often play female characters and if there was ever the option my character would probably choose Billy Creel.
Crow is another one that would be suitable for my character. Maybe.
Ghouls? Ew. No. I don't like Charon for that very reason. I can't stand ghouls. I'm only nice to Gob for the slight raise in karma :laugh:
I agree with the earlier comments about the game being more for male LW's. IMO in Vegas it's even worse. The few male prosttutes/dancers are all gay and the female ones are, well, female.
I think my character will just have to take up stalking as a hobby. Sure there are mods that do things that the game lacks but, still, again not much choice for female LW's, still towards the guys.