Wasteland explorer view slides off to the left and hangs!

Post » Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:52 pm

...and not just when they're in line.

Yes, I have a vault I've put over 150 hours into with like 70 dwellers out in the wastes, about half are in line to get back in now. When the UI for wasteland explorers pops up, it slides off to the left immediately and the game is unresponsive. EVERY TIME.

So, RIP that Vault... open another I started before the update. That one is relatively young, only has 42 dwellers, 4 dwellers in the wasteland, none are in line, and when I try to view the wasteland explorer UI, same thing now. Slides off to the left and hangs. EVERY TIME.

This bug has rendered the game completely unplayable!

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