Ok, did a few tests last night with those console settings

It could be because I have not visited Project Purity yet (intentionally) but I didn't run into vertibird patrols every 10 seconds or even immediately. Instead, what I found is that those settings are optimal for anyone looking to take the emptiness out of the wasteland. My computer isn't that great (single core 2.80 ghz but have a good gfx card and ram) but I didn't see any major slowdown due to the new patrols. They aren't THAT common.
I started along the route one person suggested, which was walking from Megaton to Andale. During that trek, I found a tribal patrol (3 NPCs), a BoS patrol (6 NPCs), a Hunter Patrol (3 NPCs) and an enclave patrol (3 NPCs). At Andale, I found a named hostile molerat called "NPC battle marker." They occurred far from one another and it wasn't a cluster**** of any kind.
On the other hand, sometimes huge open spaces will yield no encounters. Example: Andale to Tenpenny Towers (picture: http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/849/fo3range.jpg ), no patrols were encountered.
So some questions here:
1. If I kill the molerat named 'NPC battle marker,' did I mess with the spawns at all? Should I leave him alone?
2. Is it complete chance as to whether or not a patrol spawns with a group of opponents or do they mostly just spawn by themselves and fight whatever exists in the wasteland by itself? Which of the console commands you listed affects that chance?
Thanks for making the mod.