yeah the named Molerat can be killed. new ones will get generated. It wont mess up any scripts.
The molerats normally are killed by the stuff they spawn.
And there isnt any setting controlling whether stuff spawned will be friendly to each other or not, its just random, and uses whatever their faction relations are.
set mbQuestSpawnInterval 20
set mbSpawnConflictChance 100
^ This is great. I never use fast travel anymore, so many crazy fights erupt in the wasteland out of complete randomness. I was looking at an abandoned farm that looked like there was going to be nobody there, then all of a sudden tribals, MTC travelers, BoS, and mutants all happened to trail into the same place and a war erupted. I actually died today (amazing!), and if one of your AI companions gets lost due to bad pathing, you have to go back for them or they might get jumped by a patrol, thats when you get "Jericho has died!" Instead of traversing the same old spots and expecting the preset spawns, now you actually have surprises while moving on foot through the wasteland.
Is that the max setting? Can it be set higher?
Bump for this great mod. Only thing I think would make it better is if all creature spawns were removed and replaced with NPC/robot/mutant spawns.