This mod adds a configurable background quest that add random NPC patrols and creature spawns to the wasteland.
It doesn't change any NPCs or standard levelled lists so it will use the NPCs and Creatures you already have from your load order.
Its really small and I don't see me updating this anymore, so use it as a modder resource, and edit it to your hearts content.
Types of "Encouters" it can add
1. Vertibird Patrol - creates a vertibird that lands, drops off two Enclave Troops, and supports them with bombing runs and reinforcements.
2. NPC vs NPC battle - creates 1+ groups of NPCs
3. NPC vs Creature battle - creates 1+ groups of NPCs and Creatures
4. Creature vs Creature battle - creates 1+ groups of Creatures
Possible Patrol Types
(all of these groups will have a random patrol target, meaning they will travel to one of the Map Markers in the game):
Chinese Remnant
Super Mutant
Bandit (Point Lookout Smuggler)
Wastelander Ghoul
Possible Generic Spawns
(will just wander around their area, no patrol package)
All wasteland creatures
Super Mutants
Robots (Army, Talon, BoS, Outcast, Enclave)
Enclave Foot Patrols CAN show up before the Waters of Life request (treat them as pre-invasion scouts)
Enclave Vertibirds will only show up after Waters of Life quest
mbQuestSpawnInterval - default 200 - Conflict Quest rechecks spawning every THIS seconds..
mbSpawnConflictChance - default 2 - When the Quest DOES check, it checks a random number against this global value to see if it spawns one of the 4 groups.
mbSpawnGroupChance - default 50 - once option 2-4 are chosen, this Global determines how many groups. Lower it to make less groups, raise to make more
mbSpawnChance - default 50 - once a group is created, this Global controls how many are in the group. Again, lower it to make less...
mbSpawnEnclaveVertibirdChance - default 25 - THIS IS JUST FOR THE EYEBOT SCRIPT. Certain Eyebots can spawn a vertibird when attacked, this is the chance of that.
- Again, No other changes from my balance mod are included in this
NOTE: I decided to start a new thread for the much smaller spinoff from my big overwhelming Balance Mod... I think it was being buried under the thread title of a "Overhaul" which isn't what this little ESP is, and should be something wanted by alot of people looking for a quick and easy game experience changer with little impact to their playing style.