After reading quite a lot of books on survival techniques, video's and interviews with survival experts and my own general knowledge of Desert Survival, I've pieced together quite a few bits and pieces that might just keep you guys alive out there
By the way, sorry if some have already been said. A lot of these tips apply to hardcoe only.
1. Expect the unexpected to happen and you are likely to be prepared.
2. Be prepared. Take plenty of rations with a minimum of one gallon of water per person for each day.
3. Avoid going alone unless fully prepared. Take a companion, especially if you are not familiar with the area. If things go wrong you can help each other.
4. How long will it take to reach help? If you are not in good enough shape to hike out, it could cost you your life.
5. What time of day is it? If you decide to move, do it at the right time. Avoid any activity during the hot part of the day. It could zap your energy and it will cause your body to require more water.
6. If you choose to walk for help, check how many supplies you can carry.
7. Do you know where you are? Can you easily walk to safety or will it be a gamble? How long will it take and can you easily make it?
8. Don’t panic. Remain calm and think rationally. Don’t loose your cool. Panic is your enemy.
9. Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration and is not a replacement for water.
10. Don’t ration water. Drink if you are thirsty. Your body is a canteen and will store water.
11. Avoid eating if possible. The digestion process uses valuable water and can cause dehydration. You can survive for many, many days without eating, but can survive only a few days without water.
12. A roadway is a sign of civilization. If you find a traveled road, stay on it. You might find other people on a road.
13. Keep an eye on the sky. Buzzards may be a sign of civilization or supplies of some kind.
14. When not moving, use available shade or erect some shade from tarps, blankets, or seat covers to reduce the direct rays of the sun.
15. Rest at least ten minutes each hour if walking. A normally inactive person should rest 30 minutes each hour. Find shade, sit down, prop up feet.
16. Most people think of survival in terms of lack of food. In hot climates, however, food is not as important as other factors. If water is in short supply it is important not to eat anything because it increases your water needs to digest the food.
17. An additional psychological factor is the will to survive. It may sound odd, but some people have just given up due to what they felt was hopelessness, impending pain, hunger, etc. Remember where you're going, why you're going there, and motivate yourself to keep at it.
18. Controlling panic is a matter of focusing the mind and operating in an organized manner.
a) Accept the situation. Do not blame yourself or others. Do not waste time contemplating "What if I had..."
B) Consider your options. Take stock of items at hand, such as water reserves, survival kits, etc.
c) Decide on a plan. Taking into account of your options, decide on a plan that best ensures your health and safety. Thoughts such as "I have to be at work tomorrow," are not considered.
d) Execute the plan and stick with it unless new conditions warrant.
19. I CANNOT emphasise enough that the brain is by far the best survival tool we have. Survival is much more a mental than physical exercise, and keeping control of the brain is necessary.
20. To survive in arid or desert areas, you must understand and prepare for the environment you will face. You must determine your equipment needs, the tactics you will use, and how the environment will affect you and your tactics. Your survival will depend upon your knowledge of the terrain, basic climatic elements, your ability to cope with these elements and your will to survive.
21. Eating is not so important. The normal individual can actually last for an extended period without it. Its hard at first, but becomes easier over time. The average person can survive up to 15 to 20 days without food under most conditions.
22. Any sign of wildlife, especially birds sitting in a tree, may mean nearby water, as most wild animals require a water source.
Pay attention to these ^^ and you just might make it out alive