Top Survival Expert:
Tip's of the day: (My favorite or most usfull tip for the day)
-Deathclaws don't care if you have asthma. Mako Vlazkov
Factions an War
- Disguises can be used to gain access to hostile areas. Caravan Czar
- When disguised in a hostile area, avoid high ranking members, and possibly dogs. Take these guys out quickly and quietly - ideally from a distance, and take their outfits if needed. Caravan Czar
- Choose your standings wisely, stray away from the opposing factions. Wastelander24
Survival/Hunting Tips
-If your enemy is carrying heavy firepower, like a missile launcher, sometimes it is better to disable it before focusing on the body.
-Set up ambushes. Use traps, and height to your advantage. Hugga_Bear
--Dont ever leave town without a few meals (Depends how far your going or how long you will be away from a town) Wastelander24
-Plan a day ahead and collect what you need to survive the next day. Colonel Martyr
- With the use of explosive items - such as C4, preset traps, and mines - control the flow of enemy forces. When you control your enemy, you control your victory. Caravan Czar
- When sniping, don't stay stationary after shooting. Learn to move from cover to cover, as to prevent where the enemy thinks you are. Caravan Czar
- Drugs and alcohol are the leading causes of addiction. Caravan Czar
- Have patience. It will save your life. Caravan Czar
- Green vegatation can be an indicator of nearby water. Ne7hsuR
- During combat, think about your environment. If there's explosive elements around and your low on ammo, lure enemies toward it and use it as an improvised mine. Alternatively, if fighting inside a cramped space while facing multiple enemies, get them in a tight corridor and you might be able to thin them out and prevent yourself from being surrounded. Reaper No. 122
- When facing certain animals/mutants, try to go for a sneak approach. A sneak attack critical will almost always do a significant amount of damage over normal/critical attacks. And try to go for the head (if it has one) for either a crippling shot or an instant deathReaper No. 122
- Try to put a weapon to hunting a specific animal or prey. Like a Varmint Rifle is more useful for Dogs and other small animals like Molerats or Geckos while the Hunting Rifle and Sniper Rifle might be a little bit more useful for bigger enemies, like Deathclaws.Reaper No. 122
- When Hunting Deathclaws, having Power Armor is not always a necessity (they ignore damage resistance anyway). Try for a sneak approach but aim for the legs if you cannot see the head. A deathclaw with crippled legs is a far less ferocious opponent, than an able bodied one. Reaper No. 122
- Generally it's a good idea to pack explosives if your going after Deathclaws or larger prey/predators. You may not need them, but sometimes you need that little extra insurance. Reaper No. 122
Gambling Tips
-If you're a fan of gambling and the strip. Take the Lucky 38 penthouse. You'll have easy access to Sin City. Lucky38
-Unless you are counting cards, you should always split 8's and Aces in Blackjack. Derragorn
-You should never hit or double-down or split on a 20, even if the dealer is showing an Ace. It's up to you if you want to bet insurance, but usually I don't. Derragorn
-Consider doubling down if you have a 10 or 11, particularly if the dealer is showing a "busting card" (below 6). Derragorn
-Consider doubling if you have a "soft" 12 to 16 and the dealer is showing a high busting card (4, 5 or 6) Derragorn
-Rex is a good companion to take with you, he can sniff out ammo and wepons for you. Wastelander24
Cripling (Cripling your enemys and fixing your limbs)
-Broken bones don't set themselves. Carry a DOCTORS BAG unless you think that limp is pimparific. francisthemutant
--Shooting a weapon out of an enemies hands saves damage to your person as well as giving you a few seconds of free time for shooting them as they run to pick it up.
Skill (What skill's are best?)
-Fists hurt more than words. Bullets hurt more than fists. Missiles hurt more than bullets. Boom_Cheese
-Just because strength raises alot of things dosent mean its the best skill. try intellegence, that raises you skill points andthey can be put into skills that are affected by strength Gapho
-Never leave home without lockpicks, you never know when you might have to get in (or out) of something. Loaded on Psycho
-The Survival Skill is your friend. Ig88
-Entering a conversation with an ambiguous reply can sometimes net greater karma than wearing your heart on your sleeve.
-Cannibalism is an option that one should not be ashamed of resorting to, if this allows for it, and youve killed a good few people and need to really get some health...go cannibalistic.. Orochi Mao Sairen
-Stealth is your best of friend. Use it to avoid heavy conflicts. Ralos
Weapon Tips (What weapons are good for you?)
-Conserve your ammo. After all, a Radroach can be killed by a simple punch. Boom_Cheese
-To conserve ammo with automatic weapons, use vats, as a burst of automatic fire in vats uses one piece of ammo.
-If your path is blocked by an explosive trap that you can not see/disarm, try tossing a grenade at it.
- Shoot your automatic weapon in bursts to avoid recoil. Every bullet missed is another you don't have when Mr. Deathclaw comes a' huntin. BoSStealthAgent
- Not only should you stock up on food, drink, and stimpacks, but it is imperative to stock up on anti-venom, reloading components, and other secondary supplies. Caravan Czar
-Use grenades sparingly and scan you surrounding first, you don't want it bouncing off a rock only land right next to the partially intact car you are taking cover behind. homicidalemofromspace
- It's sometimes best to carry a melee weapon, a short ranged backup weapon (Pistol, SMG, Shotgun), a medium to long range weapon (Generally a Rifle, Assault Weapon or Heavy Weapon) and some explosives (Grenades, C4, any type of Explosive Launcher) and some ammo for each.
- Don't just stay using one gun, get to know multiple types of weapon. You never know, you may have to resort to picking up a fallen enemies gun when yours runs out of ammo.
- Modify your weapon to suit your needs and your upcoming environment. Don't put a scope on it if you going in close quarters and don't modify it with a faster rate of fire if you can't hit anything (as it will just waste ammo).
-Shoot from cover or higher ground. Use your surroundings. Never go in guns a blazing.. (unless the story forces you to.) vyvexthorne
-Always have your favorite mele wepon handy. You dont always want to waste preciouse ammo. HappyLittleBoozer
-Only carry ammo for your wepons (Dont hold onto ammo that you wont use) Gapho
-Do not attempt to kill a deathclaw with your fists. Redkool8
-Any silent weapon is a godly weapon Gapho
-Unique weapons are your freinds. they are better then their lesser counter parts and have unique abillitys! Gapho
--"Recharger Rifle" should come in very handy as a primary or even a backup weapon since it self-charges and requires no ammo. Derragorn
Merchant Tips (Buy Right/Survive the Night)
--Sell your loots to merchants, especially the miscellaneous items which have more value than it's weight, an try to make sure t doesn't encumber you. Selling many Conductors in FO3 is better than selling one Vacuum Cleaner.
-Sell your trophy from your game ( game animals, eg. Geckos) to earn extra profit. I recommend you to sell Deathclaw items. eg. Deathclaw Egg.
-If you think the merchant could not buy your items because it's too expensive, try to repair your items first, so the merchant can get extra money from you, which he/she uses to buy your items, which bring in lots of profits.
-Try to sell weapons you loot from your enemies. Make sure it's not encumbering and it's valuable (eg. The Chinese Pistol in FO3. It's pathetic, but it's a good item to sell).
-I recommend you to sell unnecessary chems, as it's commonly weightless and valuable.
-It feels so rewarding to remove raider's head with that special bullet you crafted so perfectly on your own work bench. Loaded on Psycho
-Try to remember where bodies of water are in the wasteland. Gabriel77dan
-When in town repair your armour and wepons. Wastelander24
-Stop in town often (Sell, Shop, Go to Doctor, Cook Food, Get Water) Wastelander24
-Stop by a restaurant to stack up on food and water. Gabriel77dan
-Spend your caps conservatively. Caravan Czar
-Never leave a store without gaining a profit, if you dont leave a store with more money in your werent doing it right.. Orochi Mao Sairen
-A lone merchant can be a dead merchant if you so choose, you can even get richer too.. Orochi Mao Sairen
-If you kill someone that has the same armour as you take his armour to repair yours. Gapho
-Stimpacks are now very valuable use with extreme moderation. Gapho
-Skin Geckos and other animals and sell their hide and meat for profit. Silvade
-Crafting is NOT just for grannys and kindergarten kids. (Crafting is a good way to achive money) francisthemutant
Strategies (How do you go about the wasteland)
-When facing a powerful melee opponent/creature always shoot for the legs first.
-Luring deathclaws to your enemies camp makes big smiles and easy pickings. Loaded on Psycho
-Scout the landscape.. immediately sneak when you spot something.. If your caught off guard use a stealth boy. Make your first shot matter by sniping in stealth to get that stealth bonus damage. vyvexthorne
-Avoid pissing off a faction badly, they are going to kill you. Gapho
-Don't venture out with more than you need and chose carefully Mordia
-Charging in guns blazing is the sure way of a quick death, think tactics, and maybe you'll stand a better chance. ReniaHw
-Save Often UnDeCaflndeed
-Stash on water and food before leaving a town Wastelander24
-Find binoculars a.s.a.p so that you can scout the waste and find locations of food (There's some located in primm) Wastelander24
-Avoid hostile zones at all cost (Scout the area before entering) Wastelander24
-Follow your enemy and wait for them to go to sleep before sneaking in and murdering them all. Gapho
-Do scouting when you go to a location, locate the main entrance and do a sweep of that area around a location...a back door, loot in storage crates or a lone patrolmen can be excellent prey... Orochi Mao Sairen
-Know when to fight your battles. Sometimes you just have to avoid a fight, or run away. Caravan Czar
-Find strategic stash points for items you don't need at the time. Collect them when you have a place to call your own, that serves as a central hub for your adventures. Caravan Czar
-If you dont have binoculars use a scoped wepon to scout the waste. Wastelander24
-When hacking a terminal quite before the last try then hack it again. Gapho
-Something can be said about properly clearing a room, make sure you check your corners and search everywhere, dont depend on your may even find loot. Orochi Mao Sairen
-Maintain Neutrality to all things you see, think of all options before you act and determine which will help you survive better, your karma may take a hit, but youll be able to live long enough to turn that around.. Orochi Mao Sairen
-Try to remember where certain animals are more prone to spawn. Gabriel77dan
-Stay near area's with weak monster's till you get better skills and wepons. Wastelander24
-Use companions to pull attention off of you so that flanking is possible.
-Try using speech over weapons sometimes, you may find a reward you never dreamed of.
Extra Tips (Any tips that dont have a group)
-Be friendly and helpful in big being a murderous deviant for smaller groups. Loaded on Psycho
-If your on a looting spree pick up anything that dosnt have weight or has more value then weight. Gapho
-A companion will be almost necessary when playing the hard core mode for just for the extra supplies alone. Mordia
-Boone is a good companion to take with you, he can see enemies before they become a problems to your health. MasterBlaster
-A companion will be almost necessary when playing the hard core mode, not just for the extra supplies alone. Mordia
-If it can't be killed, then just run as fast as possible, heal and try again when you're stronger. ReniaHw
-Learn, adapt, improve. If killed, make sure to have back up save files and learn from the mistakes. ReniaHw
-Relax in town, play some poker, Its Vegas Babe. Wastelander24
-Don't start trouble in towns with a large guard population. Caravan Czar
-Keep Rad-Away handy, you'll be drinking a lot of irradiated water. Caravan Czar
-Make caches in the wasteland. Enduring Protectron
-Always get sleep before a long adventure. MasterBlaster
-Kill your enemy before they kill you. Wastelander24
-Use common sense, it can be a good ally. ReniaHw
-Dont be afraid to drink out of a toilet. francisthemutant
-Accept that death is inevitable. Don't get too frustrated when it happens. Caravan Czar
-Just cause a monster's cute don't mean a bullet in the brain will make it ugly. Wastelander24
-Better to sleep on a rock than in a den of wolfs (be careful where you nest for the night) Vault Tec Lumberjack
-No matter how cute and fluffy it may appear to be, it'll still be likely to want to gnaw your ass off. Colonel Martyr
Another Feckin' Raider; A section of Raider's top 22 tips
1. Expect the unexpected to happen and you are likely to be prepared.
2. Be prepared. Take plenty of rations with a minimum of one gallon of water per person for each day.
3. Avoid going alone unless fully prepared. Take a companion, especially if you are not familiar with the area. If things go wrong you can help each other.
4. How long will it take to reach help? If you are not in good enough shape to hike out, it could cost you your life.
5. What time of day is it? If you decide to move, do it at the right time. Avoid any activity during the hot part of the day. It could zap your energy and it will cause your body to require more water.
6. If you choose to walk for help, check how many supplies you can carry.
7. Do you know where you are? Can you easily walk to safety or will it be a gamble? How long will it take and can you easily make it?
8. Don’t panic. Remain calm and think rationally. Don’t loose your cool. Panic is your enemy.
9. Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration and is not a replacement for water.
10. Don’t ration water. Drink if you are thirsty. Your body is a canteen and will store water.
11. Avoid eating if possible. The digestion process uses valuable water and can cause dehydration. You can survive for many, many days without eating, but can survive only a few days without water.
12. A roadway is a sign of civilization. If you find a traveled road, stay on it. You might find other people on a road.
13. Keep an eye on the sky. Buzzards may be a sign of civilization or supplies of some kind.
14. When not moving, use available shade or erect some shade from tarps, blankets, or seat covers to reduce the direct rays of the sun.
15. Rest at least ten minutes each hour if walking. A normally inactive person should rest 30 minutes each hour. Find shade, sit down, prop up feet.
16. Most people think of survival in terms of lack of food. In hot climates, however, food is not as important as other factors. If water is in short supply it is important not to eat anything because it increases your water needs to digest the food.
17. An additional psychological factor is the will to survive. It may sound odd, but some people have just given up due to what they felt was hopelessness, impending pain, hunger, etc. Remember where you're going, why you're going there, and motivate yourself to keep at it.
18. Controlling panic is a matter of focusing the mind and operating in an organized manner.
a) Accept the situation. Do not blame yourself or others. Do not waste time contemplating "What if I had..."
Consider your options. Take stock of items at hand, such as water reserves, survival kits, etc.
c) Decide on a plan. Taking into account of your options, decide on a plan that best ensures your health and safety. Thoughts such as "I have to be at work tomorrow," are not considered.
d) Execute the plan and stick with it unless new conditions warrant.
19. I CANNOT emphasise enough that the brain is by far the best survival tool we have. Survival is much more a mental than physical exercise, and keeping control of the brain is necessary.
20. To survive in arid or desert areas, you must understand and prepare for the environment you will face. You must determine your equipment needs, the tactics you will use, and how the environment will affect you and your tactics. Your survival will depend upon your knowledge of the terrain, basic climatic elements, your ability to cope with these elements and your will to survive.
21. Eating is not so important. The normal individual can actually last for an extended period without it. Its hard at first, but becomes easier over time. The average person can survive up to 15 to 20 days without food under most conditions.
22. Any sign of wildlife, especially birds sitting in a tree, may mean nearby water, as most wild animals require a water source.
Time to American Delivery of F:NV: 2 days
Please post your tips that you can think of and i will move them into the Guide. These are tips for hardcoe mode. I know the game is not out yet but with the knowledge you have of the game put your tips up so we can complete a survival guide before the game comes out then we can add even more to it.
Read my story: story about survival in the wasteland)