Am I the only one that learned it's a good thing to put a few rounds into a 'dead' ghoul on the floor when I enter a room?
Am I the only one that learned it's a good thing to put a few rounds into a 'dead' ghoul on the floor when I enter a room?
Nope! A few bullets here and there to secure yourself is hardly "wasting" them
Power armour with targetting helmet. Ghouls playing dead? Not with that red glow they're not.
Well. I almost made that upgrade but went with the jet-pack instead! I have to say damn I love it when I thought it was a bad idea when I watched pre-release foorage.
Early game I will use 1 round. Mid game+ (and I keep restarting around then so never reached end game yet) when ammo is zero issue due to endless water farm supplying infinite ammo and caps, I fire off 2 rounds to the head because you never know.
I also deliberately do not use VATs to check for living ghouls or not. Adds more slinking around tension if I just use my own senses.
Meh, with my combat shotgun, as soon as they get up, they go down. And when in doubt; Molotov.
Jetpack is your torso. Targetting is your helmet. Keep them both: leap into the safety of the skies and see your foes illuminated below you
I have a nicely modded shotgun, but am currently short on shells
Safer to check with VATS...saves waking up the others around the place.
That's why I always shot everyone on the floor, and if I do end up with one it never makes another get up before it's time under my gun
I just use VATS to check if a ghoul playing dead.
I guess I could do that, but I prefer my ammo wasting approach . . . I know not the best option.
For me it's the GoulSlayer, my modded 50%+ Damage to Gouls 10mm. At 37 normal damage now, and it's among the fastest semi autos in the game. They just, well it's not melt, but nearly.
Otherwise I just use the large bayonet, on BoomBoom my modded Combat Shotgun.
As far as "waking them up," one word: suppressors
My shotgun is suppressed, my .45 rifle is suppressed, my .50 sniper rifle is suppressed, my 10mm pistol is suppressed
Agreed, my .38 explosive round suppressed automatic pipe-pistol does the trick every time