Why would you film a placeholder for the announcement trailer?
Indeed, if you have only a place holder for something, then the logical approach would be to show something that's at least probably in the state it will be when the game is released. And the cave water isn't THAT impressive, it looks better than the white water, yes, but it doesn't look like anything really special I haven't seen in other games, it isn't even the best example of a similar effect I've seen in a game. Regardless, though, what worries me most are actually the few shots of water that is not flowing quickly, as usually, games tend to be able to pull off such things better than rapidly moving water, yet that failed to impress as well. Take for example that one part with the horse and windmill in it. At one point you can see water off in the distance, and it's just ugly, just a flat blue surface, no definining features on it, but since it's distant, maybe the distant water doesn't look very good, but looking back at Oblivion, that game's distant water at least still had reflections, not very good reflections, but they were there, and I'm not seeing them here. And when you're game that's supposed to be a dramatic graphical upgrade over its predeccessor actually downgrades an aspect of graphics, you have a problem. But what disturbs me most is that one scene where a person gets killed on the banks of a river with some plant that looks like a Nirnroot in the picture. If you look at the image, it doesn't appear to be reflecting any of the surroundings, or really, doing anything that makes video game water not look terrible, and it looks like crap. There's no excuse for that mess in 2011, especially when Oblivion could do better. In fact, I'd go as far as to say Morrowind's water looked better, if this image is anything to go by, and I'm not talking about the Morrowind Graphics Extender water here, I mean the default pixel shaded water here. I enjoyed the trailor as a whole, but the water effects in it did not impress me at all. And if indeed the trailer is misleading and the actual finished product will be better, than I haven't been shown anything to indicate that, and if that's the case, then I am quite baffled as to why Bethesda would have chosen such terrible looking water shots for the trailer. If that's really the best they had, then why did they bother showing it?
And some might say the way water looks isn't important, but I disagree. If you want people to be impressed with you're games graphics, which Bethesda seems to, judging from all the talk about how impressive their new engine supposedly is, you can't just neglect one aspect of that. When you're graphics look good as a whole, one bad aspect is just going to stand out more painfully when I see it.
Funny how the works isn't it? People were so eager to bash that shot of the river it's like they completely tuned out the rest of the trailer where water was shown. It was hard watching that previous thread go on as it did as you were trying so hard to show them what they were missing.
I didn't tune out the other parts where water was shown, I just wasn't impressed by them.