[REQ] Water Wars

Post » Sun May 26, 2013 2:14 am

Wars in Skyrim used to include a plugin that would remove the bizarre fear of water creatures and NPCs have in this game. could anyone cook up an update version ? should be as easy as changing some flags in tes5edit , I wonder why Beth decided to add this weird limitation.

thanks in advance :)

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Post » Sat May 25, 2013 10:06 pm

Can you describe the issue? I've never heard of enemies having a fear of water.

They follow me into water quite happily. They can't fight, if that's what you mean, but that would require significant work with animations.

Sometimes they don't path through rivers very well, if you're on the other side, but that's just a pathing error, it's not unique to water nor does it apply to all water.

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