[IDEA/WIP]- A Waterside Home

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:06 am

Hello ladies and gents! For a few years now I've been trying to learn the ins and outs of modding, following all the guides and learning the basics of both the CS and other tools. However, being a student in high school as well as a member of the varsity lacrosse team left me with little time to learn (even in the summer I held a job and early morning practices). Now it seems the stars have aligned just right and I am ready to begin. With a brand new and quite powerful gaming rig as well as decent background in the modding process stemming from my previous endeavor last summer. But history aside, I've decide on a house mod to get me going here. I know that this type of mod doesnt necessarily warrant its own thread, but my goal is to go through the entire process as if i was building a large and complicated mod (also im looking for some ideas) heres the general concept

Waterside Home

-My aim for this mod is too make a house that works well with various beautification mods and will provide players with a small,cozy and unique abode.


-The house will be one of two things, a lower end fishing shack type of home similar to that found in the Waterfront district or an "open home" in which the interior of the house is contained in the same cell as the world space.

- Storage- 2 chests, an armoire type of container, 3 crates, a large cabinet and a nightstand. I purposely made container space a little less than most house mods this is due in part to my hatred of having too many barrels and crates that confuse me of where i put my junk. The containers are specially named as to help you sort them out.

-Work-shed- What would a shack by the sea be without its own work-shed. It will fit with the general theme of the house but also houses a pretty neat storage area as well as a workbench, right now it isnt scripted to do anything but i figure users of Craftybits will enjoy having a clean place to set-up shop. Looking for ideas here on what else should be in the work-shed.

-Beach-front- Depending on the location this will either be lake front, river front or ocean front and will contain a friendly mud-crab pet. Once i learn scripting ill be sure to add the ability to feed him which will grant you a neat buff. Also there is going to be a dock with a chair and a crate, if i find a rocking-chair resource ill use that and the crate will be to house whatever you may use the dock for. Personally ill use it to watch the sunset.

- Unique Features- Well other than the already stated features I'm still looking for opinions on this one.

- How you get the house- My initial idea was for a simple fixer-up quest, again scripting gets the best of me here, but if there's a way to activate a broom my the house, which passes the in-game time for 8 hours, and when it finished the house will have "cleaned up" and you'll receive the key.

Recommended Additional Mods

As i said before my goal for this house was to fit it into my current load order nicely, while still making use of my current mods, so here is a list of mods i recommend for use with the house.

- OBGE v2- to make the sunsets and overall view better
-OBGE Liquid Water- You'll be looking at the water a lot, might as well make it look nice
- Crafybits- Very neat, albeit sometimes unstable crafting mod, but i use it and it makes the workshop have a greater appeal.
- Decorators Assistant-


Heres the reason for the thread,.

Right now im looking for any ideas, feedback and or questions.

If anyone has any resources that they use to make houses or features from modded houses that they cant live without please feel free to comment.

Please post your views on the questions/choices ive posted. For example, whether the house should be open or an interior cell.

Again this is my first mod and of all my overzealous ideas this seems to be the one I'm most capable of executing.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:48 am

Edit: Forgot to mention, If anyone has any sort of technique/process they use when creating a mod please let me know. For example, My friend goes through and renames and identifies all the objects he plans on using before he begins.
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