My way of expanding the game...

Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:39 pm

#2 that was just cause i didn't want to here crap on "this is offensive to homosixuals" i just put that because it would be easier/make more sense

If you didn't want to hear it, why mention it at all? Or why not just say gender wouldn't matter?
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P PoLlo
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:39 am

I swear i think people just put "no" because it's marriage, i didn't give it a Fable approach. And they NEVER give reasons on why.
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:36 am

If you didn't want to hear it, why mention it at all? Or why not just say gender wouldn't matter?

That was so IF i did hear it i wouldn't have to explain, because like i said, it would just be easier and make more sense, if you look through history (and TES is "in the past") homosixuality wasn't socially acceptable or normal. That is why.
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:02 am

The game should just end when you marry.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:10 am

if you look through history (and TES is "in the past") homosixuality wasn't socially acceptable or normal. That is why.

Oh, really?
Where is this, exactly?
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:02 pm

That was so IF i did hear it i wouldn't have to explain, because like i said, it would just be easier and make more sense, if you look through history (and TES is "in the past") homosixuality wasn't socially acceptable or normal. That is why.

TES is a separate world. Its history has nothing to do with our history. Homosixuality should be perfectly fine as a player choice.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:53 pm

#1 how, like the MQ in OB you could just like idk, not do it, pretend it's not there, forget about it, and plus i came up with a way to actually benefit the player other then those creepy people who want to just sleep with NPC's.

Still a waste of development time which could be better spent improving other aspects of the game. :bunny:
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Emily Martell
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:13 am

I swear i think people just put "no" because it's marriage, i didn't give it a Fable approach. And they NEVER give reasons on why.

Its because people don't like the idea of it....... I mean come on it would be really dull....
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:50 am

Oh, really?
Where is this, exactly?

Uuuuuummmm look any where. it was only the past few decades where homosixuality was acceptable, and only like a decade where talking about it wasn't so hush-hush, maybe still but only a few years ago the army had a don't ask don't tell saying. So yea, there person who doesn't read history. or read at all. or watch the news.
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Jon O
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:43 am

TES is a separate world. Its history has nothing to do with our history. Homosixuality should be perfectly fine as a player choice.

#1 I don't read much about TES, i just like that it is a great game. #2 how would i know especially if there is racism in the game, so obviously there would be prejudice people in the game, herp-derp.
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:50 pm

Uuuuuummmm look any where. it was only the past few decades where homosixuality was acceptable, and only like a decade where talking about it wasn't so hush-hush, maybe still but only a few years ago the army had a don't ask don't tell saying. So yea, there person who doesn't read history. or read at all. or watch the news.

Like Frodo said TES is a completely different history and there's no hint of homophobia in the TES universe....
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Jack Moves
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:38 pm

Like Frodo said TES is a completely different history and there's no hint of homophobia in the TES universe....

Read my reply to him.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:01 am

#1 I don't read much about TES, i just like that it is a great game. #2 how would i know especially if there is racism in the game, so obviously there would be prejudice people in the game, herp-derp.

So because there's racism and prejudice you will remove all mention of homosixual marriage? Don't you think that's a little homophobic?
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WYatt REed
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:01 pm

Here how marriage should work in TES; first; they have to b the opposite six (gays shut up it has nothing to do with homophobe.); second; disposition of 100; third; (if opposite six you have the option of "courting" which is the same as disposition but only 5 points a day max.) which has to be 100; forth; ask for her/his hand; fifth; pay 300 septims to have wedding; sixth; marriage which will have all the people in that town of a 80 disposition or higher come to your wedding, in that towns chapel, there will be the obvious "yes" or "no" dialog; seventh; if you don't own a house you have to pay 25% of the house's worth a month. if you have your own house only 10% a month. after that there will be no divorce unless you choose, and new dialog will present it's self, along with a monthly X amount of food quests. she or he will repair one thing a day for you, have the table with food always set a day (just once a day) and will give you a potion of adventure (boost STR, HLTH, SPD by 10 for 1 days) once a month if they are a stealth type. Or give you A weapon of choice (sword, dagger, ax, bow) that has a enchantment leveled if they are a fighter type, and will repair it once a month. Or give you a ring of + 5 to a given skill if they are a magic type. And will sell a check list of your things you make once a month. edit: you MUST own a house. If they own a house you get the option to live with them, accepting this option forfeits your house.

Wheres the option for "i would tweak it a LOT"/kind of think its a waste of developement time?

I would remove the stuff with a slash through it largely because it makes no sense/is completely unbalanced, i would make a tweak to the underlined part, spending 20 days after already getting to 100 is a bit excessive. Could possibly be fixed by having a romantic interest meter and dialog choices/other things that will raise it (buying flowers, long moonlit walks on the beach, saving them from a mountain lion?) that can be raised while raising disposition. I think a simple "will repair 1 item a day if male/will set up dinner once a day if female" would be enough. It might seem sixist, but no more so then every male in oblivion starting with more strength,

The whole time rewards thing bearly makes sense/isnt really even an idea/doesnt even really relate much to the topic. Add in timed radiant quests? Is that (pretty much) what skyrim already does?

I dont see a point in adding romance/marriage unless they did a LOT with it and also made it entirely optional. Similar to something like the fighters guild, where theres a lot going on but i can completely ignore it if i want (and i generally do until ive seen/done everything else). If it is done, i would prefer if it was much different from your suggestion.

I can not find a poll option that suits how i feel so i will not vote.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:22 pm

Wheres the option for "i would tweak it a LOT"/kind of think its a waste of developement time?

I would remove the stuff with a slash through it largely because it makes no sense/is completely unbalanced, i would make a tweak to the underlined part, spending 20 days after already getting to 100 is a bit excessive. Could possibly be fixed by having a romantic interest meter and dialog choices/other things that will raise it (buying flowers, long moonlit walks on the beach, saving them from a mountain lion?) that can be raised while raising disposition. I think a simple "will repair 1 item a day if male/will set up dinner once a day if female" would be enough. It might seem sixist, but no more so then every male in oblivion starting with more strength,

The whole time rewards thing bearly makes sense/isnt really even an idea/doesnt even really relate much to the topic. Add in timed radiant quests? Is that (pretty much) what skyrim already does?

I dont see a point in adding romance/marriage unless they did a LOT with it and also made it entirely optional. Similar to something like the fighters guild, where theres a lot going on but i can completely ignore it if i want (and i generally do until ive seen/done everything else). If it is done, i would prefer if it was much different from your suggestion.

I can not find a poll option that suits how i feel so i will not vote.

oh thank god you might hate my idea but you said why for once not a troll thank you God!! well why not alot is because you can marry anyone, so yea i could see flower and stuff uping it by like 1, but i wanted it where you had to "date" unlike Fable where here let me make you laugh for an hour then marry you, and i didn't want men give you more so becaome a female character. and no i said have a story line for all of them, like one big story so it would have more story then normal radiant and scince it is based on radiant it would be diff every time so you could have a new character playing a different quest line.
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:43 am

Add marriage so you can *gasp* collect food for her and *gasp* she gives you an item! Sound like a complete waste of development time to me and possibly even insulting that something as beautiful as marriage would be degraded to something so mundane and boring. Also there is no reason not to have gay marriage in the game besides homophobia. Unless I missed some lore somewhere.

Give quests after x amount of time so after having done every quest out there you have to wait a while before you can do the last one? Sounds like a great plan which caters to players who don't have much time to play the game but still want to enjoy all the quests. Locking content until a player has shown enough dedication in terms of raw work hours sounds like a brilliant idea!

Wait did I just disagree with the OP, must be trolling!

Sorry for the sarcasm but maybe you shouldn't shoot down everyone who disagrees and label them trolls. Accept that your idea might not be the best thing that has ever happened to the gaming world, listen to criticism and respond with arguments besides troll calling.

Edit: To elaborate on why I think marriage should not be in the game:
1. To add it as a feature they would have to put a lot of time into the feature to prevent it from becoming mundane, boring and having hardly any impact on your character. This won't just take up a little development time. I would estimate making marriage both worthwhile, fun and realistic (as marriage should be for it not to flop) they would have to put in about as much development time as the main quest takes if not a LOT more.

2. Not everyone wants to get married so (if only purely from an RP perspective) so now you have a feature that took about the same development time as the main quest and only about half of the player base will enjoy it. That is just silly from a business perspective and unfair to the players who are not interested in marriage.

Because of this marriage will either be mundane, boring and not meaningful like it was in fable or it will be a good feature that takes up way too much development time. I don't know if it's even possible to portray the relationship between a married couple in a satisfactory way without scripting the whole thing turning it into a movie. The A.I. and NPC programming is just not there yet and if it is it would take way too much time to implement in a game as an extra feature.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:01 am

So because there's racism and prejudice you will remove all mention of homosixual marriage? Don't you think that's a little homophobic?

dude in the first post i put i don't care bout gay marriage but yes in a prejudice world "let NOT be prejudiced bout gays too!" makes no sense.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:12 pm

To the OP - Just because someone doesn't give a 3 paragraph reason why they dislike your idea because oh, i don't know they have something else to do
doesn't mean they're a troll. A definition of a Troll is someone who makes provokative statements about, usually touchy subjects to get a reaction.

Not dissagreeing with you.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:14 am

I am not liking this whole romance thing. It will not go well with TES.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:09 pm

dude in the first post i put i don't care bout gay marriage but yes in a prejudice world "let NOT be prejudiced bout gays too!" makes no sense.

There is a difference between prejudice and exclusion. If anything, prejudice would add to the feature. Homosixual marriage doesn't have to be banned, but frowned upon. NPCs could talk about it, insult you, whatever. Let it be the NPCs' bias, not yours by choosing not to include it in your idea.

By the way, just saying "I'm not a homophobe" does not make you not a homophobe. I see no other reason to exclude it.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:27 pm

Add marriage so you can *gasp* collect food for her and *gasp* she gives you an item! Sound like a complete waste of development time to me and possibly even insulting that something as beautiful as marriage would be degraded to something so mundane and boring. Also there is no reason not to have gay marriage in the game besides homophobia. Unless I missed some lore somewhere.

Give quests after x amount of time so after having done every quest out there you have to wait a while before you can do the last one? Sounds like a great plan which caters to players who don't have much time to play the game but still want to enjoy all the quests. Locking content until a player has shown enough dedication in terms of raw work hours sounds like a brilliant idea!

Wait did I just disagree with the OP, must be trolling!

Sorry for the sarcasm but maybe you shouldn't shoot down everyone who disagrees and label them trolls. Accept that your idea might not be the best thing that has ever happened to the gaming world, listen to criticism and respond with arguments besides troll calling.

No you fail to see, like so many people, that trolling is the blind "i disagree" or "NO!" or "cause!" . you are not a troll, just annoying, forums are filled mostly with trolls, so yes i say troll alot. now why i think your wrong. the food isn't really a quest just there because it seems real to not starve your husband/wife, the item is because yea an item can be helpful, fun, and practical unless you DONT go *gasp* "a sword that is better then mine,." oh well its JUST an item. and i said there would be added dialog, this is for role-playing not for "its beautiful!" and lets face it unless its a Disney movie marriage isn't as beautiful as you make it seem, it's a practical i REALLY like you, you are my bff, lets keep it that way via paper.And the Rewards thing is a side-fun-quest, yes its for dedication, but guess what there are other quests to fill the gap and 5 hours isn't that long, it's like a quest or two.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:06 am

No you fail to see, like so many people, that trolling is the blind "i disagree" or "NO!" or "cause!" . you are not a troll, just annoying, forums are filled mostly with trolls, so yes i say troll alot. now why i think your wrong. the food isn't really a quest just there because it seems real to not starve your husband/wife, the item is because yea an item can be helpful, fun, and practical unless you DONT go *gasp* "a sword that is better then mine,." oh well its JUST an item. and i said there would be added dialog, this is for role-playing not for "its beautiful!" and lets face it unless its a Disney movie marriage isn't as beautiful as you make it seem, it's a practical i REALLY like you, you are my bff, lets keep it that way via paper.And the Rewards thing is a side-fun-quest, yes its for dedication, but guess what there are other quests to fill the gap and 5 hours isn't that long, it's like a quest or two.

You really gotta learn to accept that people have different opinions to yours....... most people in this case.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:32 pm

Way to turn a bit of fun into a chore!
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:38 pm

Bad idea.

Even worse biased poll.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:43 am

No you fail to see, like so many people, that trolling is the blind "i disagree" or "NO!" or "cause!" . you are not a troll, just annoying, forums are filled mostly with trolls, so yes i say troll alot. now why i think your wrong. the food isn't really a quest just there because it seems real to not starve your husband/wife, the item is because yea an item can be helpful, fun, and practical unless you DONT go *gasp* "a sword that is better then mine,." oh well its JUST an item. and i said there would be added dialog, this is for role-playing not for "its beautiful!" and lets face it unless its a Disney movie marriage isn't as beautiful as you make it seem, it's a practical i REALLY like you, you are my bff, lets keep it that way via paper.And the Rewards thing is a side-fun-quest, yes its for dedication, but guess what there are other quests to fill the gap and 5 hours isn't that long, it's like a quest or two.

But what it comes down to in the end is this:
You court her (ends up being a minigame or dialogue options)
You marry her (cutscene)
You get an item (sweet some loot :celebration: )
You get a wife/husband in your house who gives food or repairs your items (rather redundant and hardly a reason to go home)
You have some dialogue options so you can show affection for your partner after which the partner shows affection for you (I guess they could add some small talk but it will just be the next "I fought a mudcrab today!)

Would this be fun? Would this be a rewarding experience? Would this give a realistic portrayal of marriage?

You have to realize that half of the players doesn't want their character to get married so they miss out on the content which means they can't invest a lot of development time and they can't give rewards that are actually useful as people will complain to no end they are forced to get married. I don't think it's possible to include marriage in a game like this without it becoming as mundane and boring as it was in fable so I'd rather not have the feature and have them spend time on improving other areas of the game.
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