Here how marriage should work in TES; first; they have to b the opposite six (gays shut up it has nothing to do with homophobe.); second; disposition of 100; third; (if opposite six you have the option of "courting" which is the same as disposition but only 5 points a day max.) which has to be 100; forth; ask for her/his hand; fifth; pay 300 septims to have wedding; sixth; marriage which will have all the people in that town of a 80 disposition or higher come to your wedding, in that towns chapel, there will be the obvious "yes" or "no" dialog; seventh; if you don't own a house you have to pay 25% of the house's worth a month. if you have your own house only 10% a month. after that there will be no divorce unless you choose, and new dialog will present it's self, along with a monthly X amount of food quests. she or he will repair one thing a day for you, have the table with food always set a day (just once a day) and will give you a potion of adventure (boost STR, HLTH, SPD by 10 for 1 days) once a month if they are a stealth type. Or give you A weapon of choice (sword, dagger, ax, bow) that has a enchantment leveled if they are a fighter type, and will repair it once a month. Or give you a ring of + 5 to a given skill if they are a magic type. And will sell a check list of your things you make once a month. edit: you MUST own a house. If they own a house you get the option to live with them, accepting this option forfeits your house.
Wheres the option for "i would tweak it a LOT"/kind of think its a waste of developement time?
I would remove the stuff with a
slash through it largely because it makes no sense/is completely unbalanced, i would make a tweak to the
underlined part, spending 20 days after already getting to 100 is a bit excessive. Could possibly be fixed by having a romantic interest meter and dialog choices/other things that will raise it (buying flowers, long moonlit walks on the beach, saving them from a mountain lion?) that can be raised while raising disposition. I think a simple "will repair 1 item a day if male/will set up dinner once a day if female" would be enough. It might seem sixist, but no more so then every male in oblivion starting with more strength,
The whole time rewards thing bearly makes sense/isnt really even an idea/doesnt even really relate much to the topic. Add in timed radiant quests? Is that (pretty much) what skyrim already does?
I dont see a point in adding romance/marriage unless they did a LOT with it and also made it entirely optional. Similar to something like the fighters guild, where theres a lot going on but i can completely ignore it if i want (and i generally do until ive seen/done everything else). If it is done, i would prefer if it was much different from your suggestion.
I can not find a poll option that suits how i feel so i will not vote.