No you fail to see, like so many people, that trolling is the blind "i disagree" or "NO!" or "cause!" . you are not a troll, just annoying, forums are filled mostly with trolls, so yes i say troll alot. now why i think your wrong. the food isn't really a quest just there because it seems real to not starve your husband/wife, the item is because yea an item can be helpful, fun, and practical unless you DONT go *gasp* "a sword that is better then mine,." oh well its JUST an item. and i said there would be added dialog, this is for role-playing not for "its beautiful!" and lets face it unless its a Disney movie marriage isn't as beautiful as you make it seem, it's a practical i REALLY like you, you are my bff, lets keep it that way via paper.And the Rewards thing is a side-fun-quest, yes its for dedication, but guess what there are other quests to fill the gap and 5 hours isn't that long, it's like a quest or two.
I'll give you a real constructive comment that describes why I personally disagree with you:
First of all, to make things clearer, marriages ARE as beautiful and invested like in some of the Disney movies, I've seen my share, and I've yet to know a couple who married and didn't have a romantic wedding, or their "Dream wedding". While I'm sure there are some who didn't experience such a wedding, I'm sure most people have (most people who got married, that is...)
Now, as for wedding in a TES game: I vote a BIG NO on this one. Why? Because romance and marriage can't be implemented well enough in a game to make it not feel technical, unless it's a linear world where you have to follow the storyline, not an open-world such as TES.
I vote a big no in most games overall concerning romance, I don't hate it, when it's made well it even makes a few emotions rise onto the surface, but mostly it's not done well, and when it's not done well it feels: 1, wierd. 2, technical. 3, pathetic.
Another reason why I don't want ANY romance in TES, is because it's TES. It just doesn't fit the overall series, I would like to see NPCs have a romantic relationship between them, have families, maybe (a BIG maybe) even get married, but 100% most definately not the player. And yes, even if it is optional, why? Because not only it's a waste of time that could be dedicated to other manners in development and not only that it doesn't fit, it would ruin MY OWN perspective of the game, as romance tends to take out the seriousness of the game, the mature feeling it has to it, and yet insert a rather childish "I wish I could marry a 3D NPC" kind of feeling, which I very much dislike.
As for homophobes in TES. No, there are NONE, there is NO problem with it, and there never was a problem with it. Like the rest has mentioned: "Different world, different history, different prejudice." If it's a prejudice here, doesn't mean it's a prejudice there, even if there ARE other prejudices.
As for timed quests, I think you got your answer... I think it's a bad idea too, sorry. Because gameplay hours are not a main concern when you play the game, it's gameplay content quality. And if you cut a story for a few hours, I'm sure that quest will grow tired on you, leaving you with a feeling of dispair and depression as to why did you even waste your time on such a quest...
Last thing: I just want to go back to the romance part... It's too calculated, lacks emotion, technical, and stupid concerning the SIMPLE and uncomplicated ways you can make someone fall in love with you and marry you. Just to make things clear: There is no existing way of making romance feel genuine nowadays in open world games. If it's in, even as an option, I'll be disappointed.
And sorry, I didn't like your ideas, truly.