Go to workbench then to food/water i.e. resources.
Then go to misc.
Choose the "bell".
Place the bell.
hit escape.
Activate the bell.
Then walk up to each settler, and they'll give you hints on what they are doing.
they might say something like "the crops are coming in pretty good"
or they might say "the farm aint much, but its something".
This means they are set to farming.
Another way of finding who are NOT assigned.
The game explains that any new settler which is NOT assigned to a spesific resource, will be scavenging for resources you need.
So you will often see them just standing around, or working on one of the crafting stations.
If a settler is using a armor crafting station, cooking station, weapon crafting station etc.
This means they are scavengers and you can then assign them to other jobs.
Another way is to make a large cluster of cheap chairs.
( i prefer the red comfy chair my self, because it only requires wood and cloth).
Place a bunch of chairs and who ever has "little" to do, will sit in one of the chairs quite often.
(Note: At late evening or night, all settlers will look for a chair to sit in, so dont be picking anyone from a chair at that hour, because they are resting before they go to bed).
The rest i bet u can figure out your self