It's all about learning what works FOR YOU, and doing that as well as you can.
Experiment with EVERYTHING... And go back and try again after a while, see if something else suits you better after you've learned new tricks - sometimes they'll turn a previously decent gun into a powerhouse.
Brink emphasises varied playstyles. Do what you do well.
This. Very little in game is "too strong" or "better", but each gives an edge to players that play the way the weapons and abilities are intended.
I have to agree. The buffs, especially the upgraded versions, seem more like an overwhelming advantage, rather than the tactical edge I expected. The biggest problem with this is it eliminates the soldiers combat advantage. I mean, everyone else can get the kevlar anyways, so what difference does it make? An engineer will beat a soldier in a strait on firefight, as will a medic, they're simply stronger in combat. Since soldiers don't have any special abilities aside from molotovs( flashbangs are really not that useful), this basically makes them useless for anything except resupplying and knocking people down every 20 seconds. I had the impression that soldiers were supposed to be the most effective character on their own, yet both medics and engineers are more powerful. Give soldiers an actual unique combat buff, because right now they're just walking ammo dumps.
First, the Molotov and the Frag grenade bonuses that the soldier gets give them a large edge in a particular type of play, but add to that the Kevlar (yes anyone can get it if an engineer is passing it out, but the soldier has it without effort) and the armor piercing rounds and you should have a substantial edge in single combat, provided you're using the right weapon for you, as well as becoming a nightmare when grouped with even a small team.