Ways to Permanently Change the Weight of an Item

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:56 pm

So I downloaded the Portable Campsite mod, and the maximum weight capacity has always sort of annoyed me in this game, but it is there for a reason and I live with it as having an infinite amount of carrying space would get old very quick. Well, if i'm going to use the Portable Campsite mod I don't want my bedroll to weigh 10 pounds, yeah, it's nice to have the bedroll but I think i'd choose not to bring it along since it weighs so much. More room for loot.

Also, some clothing mods that add items have the weight too high for me. Especially some that just add clothing, I would rather those just weigh 0 so I can keep them in my inventory at all times.

Is there any way to PERMANENTLY change the weight of an item, be it with a mod or via the console. I have tried SetWeight 0, and even if I save the game afterward, it will automatically be reset upon loading the game again. Thanks!

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:59 am

Is there any way to PERMANENTLY change the weight of an item, be it with a mod or via the console. I have tried SetWeight 0, and even if I save the game afterward, it will automatically be reset upon loading the game again. Thanks!
The only way to do it permanently (AFAIK), is to activate the mod in question with the CS and then altering the weight there before saving it. Most OBSE commands like SetWeight works for that session (whether you therafter load an earlier save or not), but is lost as soon as you exit Oblivion.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:34 am

Open up the mod in the CS, but not set as the active file. That way your new plugin should work if there is an update. Once open in the CS find the items you wish to change, and double click on them, and then you can change their weight there.

When you are done hit save, and name your mod what ever you like, then make sure you activate the mod with what ever mod managing program you use.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:15 am

Hmmm, I have never used the CS before. Is that a risky thing to do?

Not sure what you mean by not setting it as the active file, but if it is fairly straightforward then I will probably figure it out. The CS sounds a little intimidating, but I have yet to see the interface and whatnot so I am not sure how complicated it is.

Would I overwrite the file in question? Such as Real Sleep Extended, which adds the Bedrolls?

Doh, what do you know, Real Sleep Extended is one of your mods! I feel like the minority around here sometimes, I have no mods to show for!

EDIT2: One of the mods I want to edit is a clothing mod and does not include an esp. The CS doesn't seem too bad, but how would I edit those files? I see how to edit .esps from what I can see so far

EDIT3: Seems pretty straightforward, but one question, what is the difference of setting the file as active versus not setting the file as active?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:56 am

Hmmm, I have never used the CS before. Is that a risky thing to do?
Not if you take a backup of the esp/esm you intend to edit.

Not sure what you mean by not setting it as the active file, but if it is fairly straightforward then I will probably figure it out.
To edit a mod, you must select it, and then click on the "Set as Active File" button. If you only check it, the CS will open with that mod, but any changes you do will be saved into a new file instead of changing the one you open.

This may sound fine, but doesn't work unless the mod you want changed is an esm file. If it is an esp, you must either make it an esm first (using Wrye Bash), or directly editing the esp by making it active, so for Real Sleep Extended you must open it as the active file and directly edit the bedroll. If you just check it, edit the bedroll's weight and save it to a new esp, this new esp will just contain an unused bedroll that is not related to RSE's bedroll.

But since it is RSE's bedroll you want to change the weight for, I suggest you wait for the next update instead. I have already planned to have a setting in the ini for the weight of the bedrolls, so if you don't like weight 10, just set it to 5, 2, 0 or whatever in the ini. The new version should be out later this week (after an update of Enhanced Economy).

And for the record, the adjustable weight will work by RSE reading the value from the ini file and then calling SetWeight, each time you load a game.

Edit: Answered before seing your edits. If the clothes come in an esm and not an esp, then you can open the CS with the esm checked, but not active, make your changes and save as an esp. This esp will have the esm as a master, and change the values in the master esm.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:49 pm

Not if you take a backup of the esp/esm you intend to edit.

To edit a mod, you must select it, and then click on the "Set as Active File" button. If you only check it, the CS will open with that mod, but any changes you do will be saved into a new file instead of changing the one you open.

This may sound fine, but doesn't work unless the mod you want changed is an esm file. If it is an esp, you must either make it an esm first (using Wrye Bash), or directly editing the esp by making it active, so for Real Sleep Extended you must open it as the active file and directly edit the bedroll. If you just check it, edit the bedroll's weight and save it to a new esp, this new esp will just contain an unused bedroll that is not related to RSE's bedroll.

But since it is RSE's bedroll you want to change the weight for, I suggest you wait for the next update instead. I have already planned to have a setting in the ini for the weight of the bedrolls, so if you don't like weight 10, just set it to 5, 2, 0 or whatever in the ini. The new version should be out later this week (after an update of Enhanced Economy).

And for the record, the adjustable weight will work by RSE reading the value from the ini file and then calling SetWeight, each time you load a game.

Edit: Answered before seing your edits. If the clothes come in an esm and not an esp, then you can open the CS with the esm checked, but not active, make your changes and save as an esp. This esp will have the esm as a master, and change the values in the master esm.

Thanks! I think I may just wait for your update and for now use SetWeight to change the bedroll to 0.

I am trying to edit the weight of DM-Lingerie.esp, I was looking under items-->clothing but could not find it. I then went to edit--> Find Text and typed Lingerie under Object ID and found all of the 6 pieces I wanted to edit to 0 weight!

I am lost from here, how exactly do I edit the items? I tried dragging from the Find Text box the lingerie into the Render window but as you probably know that didn't work.

Sorry if this is obvious or whatnot, but I have never used the CS before and i'd rather not read a whole 25 page tutorial on how to use the CS when all I really want to do is locate an item and change its weight. :hehe:

Any info would be much appreciated.

EDIT: I spoke too quickly! Found it under Objects--> clothing now and simply right clicking and going to edit I now see the weight. Wow, this CS is much easier than I expected it to be!

Thanks for the help!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:10 am

My bad, forgot about the esmifying needed.

And double click it in the object window. There should be a weight section.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:12 am

I went ahead and changed the clothing pieces to 0 and it worked great, having the .esp active.

I decided to just go ahead and change the Bedroll as well for RSE (great mod, btw! Actually creates a reason for me to purchase a bed!) to 0 weight. I made the edits having RSE.esp active, and saved the plugin.

Open up the mod in the CS, but not set as the active file. That way your new plugin should work if there is an update. Once open in the CS find the items you wish to change, and double click on them, and then you can change their weight there.

When you are done hit save, and name your mod what ever you like, then make sure you activate the mod with what ever mod managing program you use.

I made a backup of RealSleepExtended.esp prior to editing the one in my Oblivion/Data folder, but are you saying that when TheNiceOne updates RealSleepExtended that I will not be able to use the edited .esp if I am going to upgrade? Will that cause major issues or something?

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:48 am

I made a backup of RealSleepExtended.esp prior to editing the one in my Oblivion/Data folder, but are you saying that when TheNiceOne updates RealSleepExtended that I will not be able to use the edited .esp if I am going to upgrade? Will that cause major issues or something?
Now you have made a changed version of RSE, right? That means that when I release a new version, you must choose between keeping your changed version (and not update) or updating, but losing your change (though you can edit it in again).

But if you had created a patch esp with RSE as a master, you could have just replaced the old RSE master with the new, and kept your patch esp untouched. Unfortunately, for this to work at all, the master must be an esm file, thus you'd have to learn how to esmify and then later espify RSE using Wrye Bash, alternatively how to create a patch from an esp in TES4Edit.
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