Where can I find a simple lighting mod which will make the interior of the vanilla HF homes brighter? I'd swear the lighting in these are basically like that of a dimly light cave.
I've currently got RLO for all interiors and the RLO patch which exempts lighting for the interiors of base game and HF homes.
I needed to exempt the vanilla home interiors, since I'm using makeover mods for Breezehome and Proudspire. I did this to add flexibility of using custom base game home mods. Problem is, I haven't come across any HF interior home mods which are well light. So using the RLO patch to disable RLO interior lighting leaves the lighting levels in the HF homes at dungeon/cave level. I honestly don't know what beth was thinking when they designed HF.
The only other workaround for this (besides modding) is to drop lit lanterns around the house.
I've been searching the net and this forum for a mod that will increase the lighting in the HF homes. Or better yet, allow you to craft a scone/wall torch which you could then place wherever you wanted on the walls in the home. Similar to the way you can mount trophies on the wall from the Trophy Hunting in Skyrim.
Are there any such mods like that on Nexus/Steam or maybe a WIP?
edit: Lakeview Manor is the most popular HF home. But to date, all mods for this home are for the exterior areas only :/