Resist Magicka M% for D seconds
These effects decrease the damage or other negative effects dealt by any magical effect other than the four elemental damage effects. (Fire Damage, Frost Damage, Poison, and Shock Damage) This includes Absorb Health, Damage Health, and Drain Health, as well as non-damaging but still hostile effects such as any other Absorb, Damage, or Drain effects, Blind, Burden, Disintegrate, Sound, and any Weakness effects. It protects from disease as well, as all diseases apply only these effects. It does not protect against effects with no magnitude, such as Paralyze or Silence.
These effects decrease the damage or other negative effects dealt by any magical effect other than the four elemental damage effects. (Fire Damage, Frost Damage, Poison, and Shock Damage) This includes Absorb Health, Damage Health, and Drain Health, as well as non-damaging but still hostile effects such as any other Absorb, Damage, or Drain effects, Blind, Burden, Disintegrate, Sound, and any Weakness effects. It protects from disease as well, as all diseases apply only these effects. It does not protect against effects with no magnitude, such as Paralyze or Silence.
Is there a mod that does this? If not, is it even possible to change how Resist Magicka works?