I've been using Marksman Enhanced v1.2 by Bravo 1 mainly because it adds some of the missing material types for ranged weapons, but especially because he did real world testing on which to base rates of fire and damage for crossbows.
Here's the readme with his numbers (IIc) if you are interested:
_______________________ Marksman Enhanced v1.2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-_________Contents: Ia. Introduction Ib. InstallationIIa. New to v1.2IIb. New to v1.1IIc. ContentsIII. Bugs/Compatability IV. Thanks V. Contact/Legal_________Ia. Introduction: This mod was inspired by the original Marksman Mod; I opened it a few years earlier and was most amused by it...but then I came across the orcish crossbow in the mod. Much to my disappointment, it did NOT look at all like the armor; so I sat down with photoshop and cannibalized pieces of the armor until I made a texture. What had initially started as a tweak turned into a mod as I made a wooden and bonemold crossbow texture, but due to UV mapping issues the wooden one was not released. Instead, I substituted gamesas's model. After making all these crossbows, I decided to make them more realistic, by tweaking their rates of fire and damage; after this I saw that this made them way better than bows and throwables so I tweaked those too. After placing orcish crossbows on orcs who previously had steel, adding a couple Hlaalu sharpshooters with bonemold crossbows...and scattering a few wooden mods, I came up with the mod you have now before you; I hope you enjoy it! And after doing all that I realized that I'd left out the silver crossbow to complement the bolts already ingame, so I've added them in v1.2, hopefully the last update for this little mod!_________Ib. Installation: Well, to most of you this is routine, but to some of you it may not be; I have not zipped this with file paths because some users run their Morrowind in different ways than other and have it installed in different places. Extract to desktop or folder of your choice. Open the "Marksman Enhanced v1.2" folder then your Morrowind directory. Select everything in the "Marksman Enhanced v1.2" folder and drag and drop them into the Data Files folder, if prompted about the folder names already existing click okay. This will merge the files into those folders making sure everything is in its right place. If you prefer to move them manually put the esp.plugin into data files, Mesh folder B1 into Data Files/Meshes, icon folder B1 into Data Files/Icons and the textures go into Data Files/Textures. Start Morrowind, click Data Files and check "Marksman Enhanced v1.2.esp" and you're ready to play. Should you encounter any problems, bugs or anything else, feel free to contact me (see section V. for Contact Info).IMPORTANT NOTE: for those of you who are upgrading from v1.0 or 1.1, if you would like to remove the previous files, here is a listing of them (you will no longer need these files to play the mod):/Icons/bonemold crossbow.ddsorcish crossbow.dds/Meshes/W_Crossbow_bonemoldW_Crossbow_Orcish/Textures/TX_w_bonemold_crossbowTx_W_Crossbow_Orcish_________IIa. New to v1.2:- added silver crossbow to levelled lists- added silver crossbow to Mournhold Craftsmen's Hall- added silver crossbow to Sirollus Saccus's smithy in the Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison- added silver crossbow in Verick Gemain's Shop in Caldera- changed projectile store chance to 85% instead of 25%- changed the names of the files and organized them more efficiently- redid the all crossbow stats based on extensive timed tests comparing bows and crossbows- redid orcish crossbow texture and switched the mesh_________IIb. New to v1.1:- removed some unnecessary refs- double checked everything- added a bonemold crossbow in a guard tower in Maar Gan- added bonemold crossbows to various people who were armed with steel crossbows before (and had bonemold bolts)- added bonemold crossbow to some leveled lists- made bonemold crossbow available from Saetring the Nord in Molag Mar- redid bonemold crossbow's texture- added dwarven bolts to various people who were armed with other bolts before (and had a dwarven crossbow)- added dwarven bolts to some containers and leveled lists- added glass longbow to Hlaalu Vault - made glass longbow available from Dronos Llervu in the Ghostgate Tower of Dusk - added orcish crossbow to various people who were armed with steel crossbows before (and had orcish bolts)- added orcish crossbow to some leveled lists- made orcish crossbow available from Garothmuk Gro-Muzgub the smith in Suran- added the wooden crossbow to some leveled lists and in a treestump- made wooden crossbow available at The Razor Hole in Balmora - Dronos Llervu now sells 7 glass arrows (5 restock)- Garothmuk Gro-Muzgub now sells 18 orcish bolts (15 restock)_________IIc. Contents:This is basically a guide to the stats of the weapons in the game after my changes.Here are the general stats of MOST categories, though there will be exceptions:Avg. Throw Dagger (speed): 1.4Avg. Throw Star (speed): 1.6Avg. Throw Dart (speed): 1.3Avg. Short Bow (speed): 1.4Avg. Long Bow (speed): 1.2(all crossbows vary!)Avg. Arrow (speed): 1.7Avg. Bolt (speed): 2.0Now the crossbows:Bonemold (speed): .75(damage): 35Dwarven (speed): .6(damage): 50Hunter (speed): .95(damage): 30Orcish (speed): .7(damage): 45Silver (speed): .65(damage): 40Steel (speed): .5(damage): 30Wooden (speed): .8(damage): 25And now the exceptions:Daedric Longbow (speed): 1.1Glass Longbow (speed): 1.3Bow of Shadows (speed): 1.5Auriel's Bow (speed): 1.1Darts of Judgement (speed): 1.5Dwarven Darts [Tribunal special - I did not change them, but they are still listed because they are exceptions](speed): 2.00_________III. Bugs/Compatability:This mod requires both Bloodmoon and Tribunal.Well, basically I can tell you this mod will probably NOT work with other marksman mods that change current weapons...it may well work with ones that ADD new weapons. This mod has been cleaned with TESAME so it should not have any evil GMSTs*; if you want to report any bugs/odd issues (not that it does not work with the marksman mod), feel free to email me (see contact section).*Actually, there is ONE GMST (but not an evil one!) that you should be aware of; it is the ProjectileStoreChance multiplier which should be left alone. It shouldn't mess up your game in any way, all it does is make your chances of retrieving spent ammo 85%. If you remove it, those chances will go back down to 25%._________IV. Thanks:Many thanks to Calislahn for everything really (you name it, she helped me somehow!). Thanks to Alienslof for her photoshop tips, encouragement and testing v1.1.Thanks to Bored Guest X for the testing both v1.1 and 1.2, encouragement and ideas! Not to mention putting up with the bombardment of WIP shots
A big thanks to HeWhoWatches for testing and staying up with me way past his bedtime giving me opinions and ideas (among which was a wonderful revision for the bonemold crossbow's texture)!Thanks to Mebyon for the field testing (oh those poor cliff racers!) and readme corrections...Thanks to Regan for encouraging me to rethink my crossbow stats and the suggestion to compare them in the field thus being able to factor the speed of the animation into the rest of the speed/damage ratio.Thanks to Intelligentsia for the Marksman Mod (which was my inspiration for this mod) and for allowing me to use his dwarven bolt and glass longbow icons, meshes and textures. Also thanking Soar182 who tested v1.0.And of course, many thanks to gamesas for such a wonderful game!_________V. Contact/LegalEmail me at: feedback.bravo1@gmail.comor stop by to see me at the Perceptual Motion Forums at (yes, we've moved!): [src="http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/860009-wip-weapon-balance-mod/http://perceptualmotion.co.uk/forum/index.php"]http://perceptualmotion.co.uk/forum/index.php[/url]*You may use my crossbow in your mods, but please ask me first and give proper credit.*You may NOT use the glass longbow or the dwarven bolt, because they are not mine to give permission for; they are the property of Intelligentsia, and you must ask him before using them!*You may NOT merge my mod with another and re-release it!